Anonymous ID: f7bdcb July 7, 2020, 10:44 a.m. No.9885260   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5277



On June 22, 2020, the National Unit arrested six men suspected of preparing kidnappings and hostage-taking in the criminal environment. In a shed the police found seven sea containers. Six of them were arranged as a cell in which people could be tied up and one container was intended as a torture chamber. The police also found a second shed in Rotterdam, which was probably intended as a base for criminals.


"Last week, we released the investigation to cryptocommunication provider Encrochat. In this investigation, the police read live for a long time with chat messages that criminals sent each other. That provided a wealth of information. "


In the messages, photos were sent of a warehouse and a sea container with a dental chair, with straps on the armrests and footrest. There was talk of kidnapping and torture: "if I have him on the chair more will come", "but that dog is missing." The warehouse was designated as “ebi” (which is the Extra Secure Facility in Vught) and “treatment room”. The upcoming kidnappings seemed to be prepared with great precision: there were several "teams" and an "OT" (observation team), and weapons, police clothes, vans, stop signs and bullet proof vests were arranged.


The spaces in the containers were finished with sound-insulating plates and heat-insulating foil. Handcuffs were attached to the ceiling and floor in each of the cells. Furthermore, there was only a chemical toilet. A camera was mounted in the corner to keep a clear view of the situation in each cell.


One of the sea containers contained several sets of police clothing, bulletproof vests and police lightbars. Another shipping container held bags of items believed to be used to torture or at least pressure victims. Police found pruning shears, loppers, branch saws, scalpels, pliers, handcuffs, fingercuffs, tape, balaclavas and black cotton bags that can be pulled over the head. During the search of a house in Rotterdam, 24 kilos of MDMA were also found.


The warehouse also had three stolen vans and two fast BMWs. A sitting and sleeping area was set up in an adjacent room, probably for guards. In the hangar in Rotterdam we found seven small arms and an automatic assault rifle, a Chinese variant of the Kalashnikov AK-47. A total of 25 weapons were found among the suspects.

Anonymous ID: f7bdcb July 7, 2020, 10:50 a.m. No.9885322   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5361 >>5389


The leader "torture gang" is gym owner Robin van O. (40)


This is reported by various well-entered sources of De Telegraaf. The national police unit does not want to say anything about the suspect's background. Van O. was part of a group that called itself the "alliance" and consisted of various criminal groups that formed a front against top criminal Ridouan Taghi, who was arrested early this year. One of the men from that alliance was Hamza Ziani (34) who was wound up in Spain in 2018.


Van O.'s gym building has been shot at several times in recent years. Van O., who was arrested last month, is associated with several violent crimes in the underworld. He was also heard by the police for the disappearance of criminal Churisan Allen from Utrecht. He did chores for the gym.



Van O. and five other men are suspected of preparing for kidnapping, hostage taking, serious abuse, possession of weapons, extortion and participation in a criminal organization. According to the police, it is a drug organization. The lawyers for the suspects, including Van O.'s, have been approached by this newspaper, but do not want to comment.

Anonymous ID: f7bdcb July 7, 2020, 10:55 a.m. No.9885361   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5404


>One of the men from that alliance was Hamza Ziani (34) who was wound up in Spain in 2018.


PAIN IN SPAIN Inside the bloody gang wars plaguing the Costa del Sol where thugs dish out ‘medieval’ torture and ‘Glasgow smiles’


From brutal shootings, to planned executions and "Medieval" torture methods, gangs from across the world are carving up the popular holiday destination by 'settling scores' in a constant battle to the top.


Last Tuesday, a British man was treated in A&E in Marbella after being shot four times in the legs, with well-placed sources saying it was a possible settling of scores between gangs.


That came a week after six Brits were held after a bar stabbing in Mijas Costa in which a man was left with his “guts hanging out”.


And earlier today, a maniac "with a machine gun" was shot dead by cops in broad daylight in the Spanish resort town.


It's sparked fears that the brutal turf wars that have plagued the area for years could be on the rise again, as Spain begins to lift lockdown amid the coronavirus pandemic.


Past attacks, most of which are sparked over drugs, have seen people gunned down in their own garages, 'kneecapped' and even given a 'Glasgow smile' - also known as a Chelsea smile - which sees victims cut from the corners of their mouth up to the ears.


And Radio DJ and freelance journalist Giles Brown, 52, who has lived just outside of Marbella for 30 years, says the latest attacks are a worrying echo of many before them.


“It’s the sign to me that things are getting back to normal in Marbella, in a bad way," he tells Sun Online.


"With the guy being shot the other day, and a stabbing on the coast on the day that people were allowed to go out for the first time, there was a bit more movement and so people start taking their revenge on each other.


“The shooting was a warning – if it wasn’t, he’d be dead."


According to statistics from Spain's Ministry of the Interior, there were 25 murders last year in the province of Malaga - along with 24 attempted murders - with the total number of crimes hitting 80,174, up from 79,225 the year before.


Brown adds: “There’s so much going on in Spain at the moment, and the police are trying their hardest, but they need to be able to throw more bodies at it."

Anonymous ID: f7bdcb July 7, 2020, 10:58 a.m. No.9885389   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>group that called itself the "alliance" and consisted of various criminal groups that formed a front against top criminal Ridouan Taghi, who was arrested early this year.


Ridouan Taghi, 41, will face trial in the Netherlands amid a controversy over his extradition from the United Arab Emirates.


His criminal career began in the 1990s with cannabis and in 2000 he inherited a drug trafficking route from Morocco to the Netherlands, which allowed him to control a third of the cocaine trade in Europe, according to Dutch authorities.


The drugs arrived in container ships from South America to ports in Spain or Portugal, where the Taghi gang collected the merchandise for transportation to the Netherlands.


His network imported an average of 30 tons of cocaine annually through the ports of Rotterdam and Antwerp, and sold it across Europe, the largest market of cocaine worldwide.


In 2012, the theft of a cocaine stash from the Belgian port of Antwerp started a bloody war between rival drug gangs.


Taghi and his right-hand man Said Razzouki won with bullets, they are suspected in the murders of at least 20 people.


In 2013, Taghi allegedly killed his brother-in-law in Spain, after a disagreement over a shipment of drugs, although he has never been convicted of this, or of any of the other crimes attributed to his hitmen in Latin America and Morocco.


Dutch prosecutors have accused him of creating a “well-oiled murder organization.”


The gang was formed by a new generation of criminals and has sown fear in the Dutch underworld with the slogan “he who speaks, dies,” a Dutch investigator told Efe.


Taghi has been named as the main suspect in a string of murders and attempted murders in a case known as Marengo.


The key evidence in the case is the testimony of Nabil B, a protected witness who saw how the crimes were ordered.


Nabil’s brother and lawyer were both shot dead last year in an apparent attempt by the Taghi gang to silence him.


Taghi’s photograph and name had been on the lists of Europol, Interpol, and Netherlands police for years with a 100,000 euro reward for any information on his whereabouts.


He was finally arrested on Monday in Dubai, where he had traveled on a false passport and visa.


He had been living for years with a false identity on the luxurious Emirati Palm Jumeirah island in a large villa and paying the rent in cash.


Taghi was brought back to Holland on Thursday in a military plane without an extradition trial in the Emirates.


His lawyer Inez Weski said he was “kidnapped” by Dutch authorities from the Emirates and said he should not have been taken back “just because there is an extradition request, everyone has the right to a trial, but they simply put him on a plane, without access to a lawyer or judge.”


Dutch Minister of Justice and Security Ferdinand Grapperhaus rejected the accusations and said the transfer was made “according to the rule of law” and did not require an extradition request because Emirati authorities had declared him a persona non grata.


Taghi was transferred directly to Nieuw Vosseveld high security prison in Vught because of fears his men will try to organize his escape.

Anonymous ID: f7bdcb July 7, 2020, 11:04 a.m. No.9885440   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Brazil’s President Bolsonaro tests positive for COVID-19

Anonymous ID: f7bdcb July 7, 2020, 11:05 a.m. No.9885448   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Doctors say experimental treatment may have rid man of HIV


A Brazilian man infected with the AIDS virus has shown no sign of it for more than a year since he stopped HIV medicines after an intense experimental drug therapy aimed at purging hidden, dormant virus from his body, doctors reported Tuesday.


The case needs independent verification and it’s way too soon to speculate about a possible cure, scientists cautioned.


“These are exciting findings but they’re very preliminary,” said Dr. Monica Gandhi, an AIDS specialist at the University of California, San Francisco. “This has happened to one person, and one person only,” and it didn’t succeed in four others given the same treatment, she said.


Another UCSF specialist, Dr. Steven Deeks, said: “This is not a cure,” just an interesting case that merits more study.

Anonymous ID: f7bdcb July 7, 2020, 11:13 a.m. No.9885529   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5565


As Flynn goes over the edge, would Trump welcome him back?


If you missed it, MSNBC's Joy Reid aired footage from Flynn's oath "ceremony" yesterday, and it's as unsettling as you might imagine.


If you're unfamiliar with the crackpot QAnon conspiracy theory, Vox had an explainer a while back, which is as good as any summary. The basic idea is that Donald Trump is secretly at war with nefarious forces of evil, including Democrats, Hollywood celebrities, the "deep state," cannibals, and an underground ring of pedophiles that only adherents are aware of.


As we recently discussed, this isn't just the usual conspiratorial nonsense bubbling up from the right. It's vastly weirder and more radical. Last year, the FBI went so far as to classify QAnon as a domestic-terror threat in an internal memo.


And now Michael Flynn who served as the White House national security advisor in 2017, before he was forced to resign in disgrace has voluntarily posted a video of himself taking an oath in support of the bonkers theory, effectively declaring himself a “digital soldier” in support of the bizarre cause.


In comes on the heels of the retired general publishing this op-ed in which Flynn condemned "forces of evil" whom he believes are trying to "steal our freedom in the dark of night." New York's Jon Chait joked soon after that the op-ed was "difficult to evaluate without knowing whether Flynn’s objective was to advance a policy agenda or to help his legal team plant an insanity defense."


It led Mother Jones' Kevin Drum to raise a notable observation yesterday: "Apparently Flynn’s descent into madness, which started around 2014, is now complete. Thank God he’s nowhere near the levers of power at this point."


That certainly sounds about right. It's striking to see Flynn go over the edge, especially given the heights he'd once reached, and his descent says something notable about the state of far-right politics, but ultimately Flynn is a now private citizen and his embrace of ridiculous nonsense doesn't much matter.


Unless, that is, he moves back toward the levers of power.


In late April, Trump told reporters that he was open to bringing Flynn back. Asked specifically if he might invite Flynn into his administration, the president replied, "I would certainly consider it, yeah. I would. I think he’s a fine man."


Two weeks later, Vice President Mike Pence added that he, too, would be on board with bringing Flynn back into government.


Is this still the White House's opinion? If Trump is re-elected, should we expect to see Flynn in a new position of power? If so, it makes his latest strange antics that much more relevant.

Anonymous ID: f7bdcb July 7, 2020, 11:16 a.m. No.9885565   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Apparently Flynn’s descent into madness, which started around 2014, is now complete. Thank God he’s nowhere near the levers of power at this point.

Anonymous ID: f7bdcb July 7, 2020, 11:37 a.m. No.9885782   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Daily Wire turns five years old, names new editor-in-chief


Ben Shapiro, the prominent conservative commentator and co-founder of the Daily Wire, will be stepping aside from his role as editor-in-chief and entering into a new role as editor emeritus.


Shapiro, who hosts the largest conservative podcast in the country, "The Ben Shapiro Show," will remain a part owner of the site as well as the site's featured talent, but will no longer drive its editorial direction.


Replacing Shapiro is John Bickley, who according to Boreing has been with the site since its launch as a writer and editor — and most recently as supervising editor — under the pseudonym, "James Barrett."


Boreing added that the move has been in the works for some time as Bickley has been performing the essential duties of the role for roughly the past two years. Now what has been the reality of day-to-day operations is being formalized in title.


Shapiro said in a statement: "John Bickley isn't just a tremendous editor and writer, he's a principled conservative and an honest human being. I can't think of anyone better to take over as EIC, and I look forward to seeing the new, exciting editorial direction of the site."


In an email, Bickley stated that he is committed to the Daily Wire's goal of becoming "the biggest alternative media company and counter-cultural outlet for news, opinion, and entertainment in the nation."


He added that he is motivated, like Shapiro, by a philosophy of "facts over feelings," and said, "that's never going to change."

Anonymous ID: f7bdcb July 7, 2020, 11:43 a.m. No.9885839   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5850 >>5883


>Battery 314 at Flamingo Point

Anonymous ID: f7bdcb July 7, 2020, 11:46 a.m. No.9885883   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Fort Segarra was built as part of the United States' defense strategies during World War II on Water Island. World War II seacoast batteries here were Battery 314 at Flamingo Point (1944, never completed) and an Anti Motor Torpedo Boat Batteries. In addition some barracks, watch towers, lookout post, ammunition bunkers were also created near Carolina Point as well as an infrastructure of docks, roads, water, sewage and power systems. Fort Segarra was to be an underground fort and its purpose was to protect the submarine base on St. Thomas. The war ended before its completion and the project was subsequently abandoned. Gun emplacements, tunnels and underground rooms which were created during the Second World War building efforts are still visible. The tunnels and underground chambers are open for viewing.

Anonymous ID: f7bdcb July 7, 2020, 11:51 a.m. No.9885946   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5989 >>5996


Dutch arrests after discovery of 'torture chamber' in sea containers


Dutch police have arrested six men after discovering sea containers that had been converted into a makeshift prison and sound-proofed “torture chamber” complete with a dentist’s chair, tools including pliers and scalpels and handcuffs, a high-ranking officer announced.


Authorities said police conducted the raid before the converted containers could be used and alerted potential victims, who went into hiding.


The discovery was made last month by officers investigating leads generated by data from encrypted phones used by criminals that were cracked recently by French police. Detectives in the UK and the Netherlands have arrested hundreds of suspects based on the encrypted messages.


Tuesday’s announcement gave a chilling insight into the increasingly violent Dutch criminal underworld, which is involved in the large-scale production and trafficking of drugs.


Dutch police said last week their investigations, codenamed 26Lemont, based on millions of messages from the EncroChat phones, had led to the arrest of more than 100 suspects and the seizure of more than 8,000kg (17,600lbs) of cocaine and 1,200kg (2,600 lbs) of crystal meth, as well as the dismantling of 19 synthetic drugs labs and seizure of dozens of firearms.


On 22 June, Dutch national police force officers arrested six men on suspicion of crimes including preparing kidnappings and serious assault. Detectives also discovered the seven converted sea containers in a warehouse in Wouwse Plantage, a village in the south-west of the country, close to the border with Belgium.


They were tipped off by messages from an EncroChat phone that included photos of the containers and dentist’s chair with belts attached to the arm and foot supports. The messages called the warehouse the “treatment room” and the “ebi”, a reference to a top security Dutch prison. The messages also revealed identities of potential victims, who were warned and went into hiding, police said.


Video released by the police showed heavily armed officers blasting open a door at the warehouse and discovering the improvised prison. Another armed team detained a suspect in Rotterdam.


“Six of the containers were intended as cells in which people could be tied up and one container was intended as a torture chamber,” Andy Kraag, the head of the police’s national investigation service, said in a video, adding that the police operation “prevented a number of violent crimes”.


A search of the containers uncovered bags containing tools including hedge cutters, scalpels and pliers. The items “were likely intended to torture victims or at least put them under pressure”, the police said.


In searches of other properties, including what police described as a base for the criminals near Rotterdam, officers found police uniforms and body armour, stolen vehicles, 25 firearms and drugs.


A court in Amsterdam ordered the six suspects to be held for 90 days as investigations continue.


“This is a great result of the 26Lemont investigation,” Kraag said. “And, take it from me, many more results will follow.”

Anonymous ID: f7bdcb July 7, 2020, 11:54 a.m. No.9885989   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6603


<This is a great result of the 26Lemont investigation


Dutch police arrest 6 men, uncover makeshift torture chamber


Dutch police arrested six men after discovering sea containers that had been converted into a makeshift prison and sound-proofed “torture chamber” complete with a dentist’s chair, tools including pliers and scalpels and handcuffs, a high ranking officer announced Tuesday.


Authorities said police conducted the raid before the torture chamber could be used and alerted potential victims, who went into hiding.


The grisly discovery was made last month by officers investigating leads generated by data from encrypted phones used by criminals. The communications network was cracked recently by French police. Detectives in Britain and the Netherlands have already arrested hundreds of suspects based on the encrypted messages.


Dutch police said last week that their investigations, code-named 26Lemont, based on millions of messages from the EncroChat phones, had led to the arrest of more than 100 suspects and seizure of more than 8,000 kilograms (17,600 pounds) of cocaine and 1,200 kilograms (2,600 pounds) of crystal meth as well as the dismantling of 19 synthetic drugs labs and seizure of dozens of firearms.


On June 22, Dutch national police force officers arrested six men on suspicion of crimes including preparing kidnappings and serious assault. Detectives also discovered the seven converted sea containers in a warehouse in Wouwse Plantage, a small village in the southwestern Netherlands, close to the border with Belgium, according to a statement released Tuesday.


They were tipped off by messages from an EncroChat phone including photos of the container and dentist’s chair with belts attached to the arm and foot supports. The messages called the warehouse the “treatment room” and the “ebi,” a reference to a top security Dutch prison. The messages also reaveled identities of potential victims, who were warned and went into hiding, police said.


Video released by the police showed a heavily armed arrest team blasting open a door at the warehouse and discovering the improvised prison. Another armed team detained a suspect in Rotterdam.


“Six of the containers were intended as cells in which people could be tied up and one container was intended as a torture chamber,” Andy Kraag, head of the police’s National Investigation Service, said in a video released by police, adding that the police operation “prevented a number of violent crimes.”


A search of the containers uncovered bags containing tools including hedge cutters, scalpels and pliers. The tools “were likely intended to torture victims or at least put them under pressure,” the police statement said.


In searches of other properties, including what police described as a base for the criminals near the port city of Rotterdam, officers found police uniforms and body armor, stolen vehicles, 25 firearms and drugs.


A court in Amsterdam ordered the six suspects held for 90 days as investigations continue.


“This is a great result of the 26Lemont investigation,” Kraag said. “And, take it from me, many more results will follow.”