Anonymous ID: 029352 July 7, 2020, 4:56 p.m. No.9889034   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9149 >>9445

Q proof assessment?

I am needing some feedback, been psoting this for a few breads.


This is a Huge BOOM because Kagan touches directly on it and we know Q/Patriots were ready to do the unthinkable as a direct result.

Intel/DS set up the Russia Hoax initially for this reason, everything later was collateral because rigging the electoral votes failed.


From election nite to submission of electoral votes is 4 weeks, during that time BHO was going to use the Russia Hoax (recall Oval office mtg, reopening MF case) to claim Potus/Russia rigged election. They were then going to lobby, blackmail, leverage electors to not award votes to Potus in States he won, to deny him a majority.

At that point the Election is determined by House as Kagan points out and we know that it was comped, P Ryan likely conspired to award election to HRC and got nailed.


Q 36-

Patriots were prepared to do the unthinkable (this was leaked internally and kept the delegate recount scam and BO from declaring fraud).


no public or OS info about the delegate recount scam a mentioned by Q, but Kagan in the SC decision confirms it:

“The three hoped they could encourage other electors — particularly those from states Donald Trump had carried — to follow their example,” she wrote. “The idea was to deprive him of a majority of electoral votes and throw the election into the House of Representatives.”

The effort failed. “Only seven electors across the nation cast faithless votes — the most in a century, but well short of the goal,” Justice Kagan wrote. “Candidate Trump became President Trump.”

Anonymous ID: 029352 July 7, 2020, 5:14 p.m. No.9889191   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Stalin and Mao are able to gain domestic support, and international silent consent for killing tens of millions of Nationalists by creating right wing counter revolutionaries aka Nazi's.

They provoke a response (counter insurgency) by a minority of people resisting a communist takeover, the msm and their frens label them facists and systematically slaughter anyone resisting the communist revolution.

This is their modus operandi that Q warned us about in researching the nazis.

Fingers of the Same Hand.

Anonymous ID: 029352 July 7, 2020, 5:45 p.m. No.9889407   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9492 >>9544


ty for feedback, good insight i am thinking it possible that rigging the electors is bigger than we think, perhaps the initial and primary insurance policy. even going so far as to claim putin tampered with the pop votes via hacking, (as q may have meant by recount scam) but with the plan ultimately to recount the election nite tally with modified figures and reassign electoral votes in potus states claiming putin gave him the win.


when nsa attested that no tampering occured (and would not go along with a russia hack narrative) perhaps they were going to classify everything, silence the dissenting nsa (thus rogers relationship, and mtg w/potus–moar than just surveillance warning?) and just steal the election via faithless electors with no proof of anything, just bho stating fraud and everyone agreeing on tv. thus also the warning of the unthinkable if they pulled that stunt.

Anonymous ID: 029352 July 7, 2020, 5:52 p.m. No.9889458   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9481


>America needs a national mask rebellion - from coast to coast.

thinking you are correct.

allowing them to control everyone event though masks do not stop the virus is a bad precedent of their ability to control.

me thinks potus will not encourage for optics but may agree.


Need to start with a unified scientific sources proving masks do not stop viruses so we are on solid ground to rebel scientifically, all citing the same proven reputable sources. All people refuse to wear and all carry the authentic study, report of which i believe there are many.

Anonymous ID: 029352 July 7, 2020, 6:01 p.m. No.9889578   🗄️.is 🔗kun


one of my earlier tries.

ty for screenshot.

trying to gain traction!

explains alot to me putting piece together, i.e, P Ryan, Russia Hoax, everything!

I am wondering though if the initial plan was to claim outright hacking of pop vote and if NSA would not go along since it was a known lie, if BHO was just going to say it anyway and use msm to push narrative?

At that point is where I think Q36 is referenced from, that some intel knew it wa fake and House (white house) was going to push it anyway?

Fisa brings down the WH and the corrupt House of Reps and Ryan waiting to vote in HRC!


Anything you have to add?