Anonymous ID: 2b8fb0 July 7, 2020, 5:02 p.m. No.9889083   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9092

"bold"Asshat Democratic Governor Evers of Wisconsin wants more Coronavirus cases so new mask order can be issued!


Gov. Evers: Supreme Court decision cost Wisconsin lives in pandemic


The governor said he almost certainly can't issue any statewide orders to help slow the spread of the virus.


Updated: 5:18 PM CDT Jul 7, 2020




As governments work to put coronavirus ordinances, like mask mandates, into place the state government has been rather quiet.


Continuing Coverage: Coronavirus in Wisconsin


Wisconsin Gov. Tony Evers held his first public press conference in two weeks on Tuesday.


He said the Wisconsin Supreme Court ruling throwing out his Safer at Home order cost lives.


In the early days of the state's coronavirus response, the state implemented business closures and stay home orders.


But the measures were overturned before they were set to expire in May.


Evers said that decision cost some Wisconsinites their lives.


"We would've saved more lives and that we would've prevented more people from having positive tests for COVID-19," he said Tuesday.


The Wisconsin State Fair Park Expo Center was turned into a $15 million field hospital.


It remains largely unused right now.


But even if cases continue to grow, the governor said he almost certainly can't issue any statewide orders to help slow the spread of the virus.


"We really don't know if I have the authority to do that," Evers said.


He was also asked if he'd consider a statewide face mask mandate, as other states have implemented.


"We're looking at it, but frankly, the Supreme Court has made it very much more complex than it ever should've been," Evers said.


He conceded there's a nearly 100% chance any state order would again be defeated in the Supreme Court.


"bold"WISN 12's Nick Bohr asked Evers if there was a level at which the coronavirus cases could rise to the point where it would constitute a separate emergency and if he could issue a new order and still survive a Supreme Court challenge.


"bold" "That would be perfect. We're looking at all options that are available to us," Evers said.


He added that state Republicans hold the power to institute any new statewide restrictions to help slow the spread of the coronavirus.