Anonymous ID: 3c3654 July 7, 2020, 7:24 p.m. No.9890400   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0424

Joe Biden Pledges to Rejoin WHO on ‘First Day as President’


Joe Biden, the presumptive Democrat nominee, is pledging to rejoin the World Health Organization (WHO) on his first day in the White House in response to President Donald Trump’s announcement that the United States would exit the body.


“Americans are safer when America is engaged in strengthening global health,” the former vice president wrote on social media, upon news of the Trump administration’s move. “On my first day as President, I will rejoin the WHO and restore our leadership on the world stage.”


On Tuesday, Sen. Bob Menendez (D-NJ), the ranking member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, was the first to publicize that Trump would withdraw the U.S. from the WHO. Trump’s decision came as the agency, which is affiliated with the United Nations, has come under fire for its handling of the COVID19 pandemic, especially in regards to China, where the virus appears to have originated.


The WHO initially applauded China’s handling of the outbreak in early January, even claiming the Communist power’s commitment to transparency as the virus spread was “very impressive, and beyond words.”


Despite the early praise, many now believe that China knew about the virus before December 31, the date it notified the WHO of the outbreak. In fact, evidence has emerged that coronavirus symptoms were first noticed in late-November 2019 in the Chinese city of Wuhan.


Such revelations, coupled with the fact it appears China stalled early on with providing the WHO with detailed data on patients and cases, resulted in Trump deciding to cut off U.S. funding for the agency in May.

Anonymous ID: 3c3654 July 7, 2020, 7:26 p.m. No.9890419   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0445 >>0726 >>0815 >>0948 >>1027

China Inks Military Deal With Iran Under Secretive 25-Year Plan


Last August, Iran’s Foreign Minister, Mohammad Zarif, paid a visit to his China counterpart, Wang Li, to present a roadmap on a comprehensive 25-year China-Iran strategic partnership that built upon a previous agreement signed in 2016. Many of the key specifics of the updated agreement were not released to the public at the time but were uncovered by at the time. Last week, at a meeting in Gilan province, former Iran President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad alluded to some of the secret parts of this deal in public for the first time, stating that: “It is not valid to enter into a secret agreement with foreign parties without considering the will of the Iranian nation and against the interests of the country and the nation, and the Iranian nation will not recognize it.” According to the same senior sources closely connected to Iran’s Petroleum Ministry who originally outlined the secret element of the 25-year deal, not only is the secret element of that deal going ahead but China has also added in a new military element, with enormous global security implications.


One of the secret elements of the deal signed last year is that China will invest US$280 billion in developing Iran’s oil, gas, and petrochemicals sectors. This amount will be front-loaded into the first five-year period of the new 25-year deal, and the understanding is that further amounts will be available in each subsequent five year period, provided that both parties agree. There will be another US$120 billion of investment, which again can be front-loaded into the first five-year period, for upgrading Iran’s transport and manufacturing infrastructure, and again subject to increase in each subsequent period should both parties agree. In exchange for this, to begin with, Chinese companies will be given the first option to bid on any new – or stalled or uncompleted – oil, gas, and petrochemicals projects in Iran. China will also be able to buy any and all oil, gas, and petchems products at a minimum guaranteed discount of 12 per cent to the six-month rolling mean average price of comparable benchmark products, plus another 6 to 8 per cent of that metric for risk-adjusted compensation. Additionally, China will be granted the right to delay payment for up to two years and, significantly, it will be able to pay in soft currencies that it has accrued from doing business in Africa and the Former Soviet Union states. “Given the exchange rates involved in converting these soft currencies into hard currencies that Iran can obtain from its friendly Western banks, China is looking at another 8 to 12 per cent discount, which means a total discount of around 32 per cent for China on all oil gas, and petchems purchases,” one of the Iran sources underlined.

Anonymous ID: 3c3654 July 7, 2020, 7:27 p.m. No.9890431   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0456 >>0638 >>0646 >>0726 >>0815 >>0948 >>1027

Americans Defund Democrats in Statehouse Elections as Democrats Seek to Defund Police


Americans significantly decreased contributions to Democrats running for state legislature seats in the second quarter as the Democrat Party has turned hard left, fundraising information announced this week shows.


The lackluster performance by Democrats at the state level could have broader national implications. First off, state-level political trends sometimes forecast later looming national trends—”from the State House to the White House,” the saying goes.


But more importantly, the state legislatures elected this year will handle redistricting next year heading into the 2022 cycle—influencing the direction of and perhaps control of the U.S. House of Representatives for the next decade.


The drop-off in Democrat Legislative Campaign Committee (DLCC) fundraising—which has Democrats $20 million shy of their stated cycle-long goal of $50 million total—comes as their Republican counterparts nearly doubled the total raised by Democrats in the second quarter.


The DLCC and its affiliated organizations in the second quarter of 2020 pulled in just $5.8 million, the party committee responsible for electing Democrats to state House and state Senate chambers nationwide announced this week. That means the DLCC has pulled in around $30 million total this whole cycle, $20 million short of the committee’s stated $50 million cycle-long goal.


The DLCC’s second quarter fundraising was dwarfed by its Republican counterpart, the Republican State Leadership Committee (RSLC), which announced it and its affiliated organizations hauled in nearly double the amount of the Democrats at more than $10.5 million in the second quarter. The RSLC and its affiliated organizations have pulled in $35 million cycle-to-date, meaning that the Democrats were on par with the Republicans on this front until the second quarter of this year dried up, leaving the Democrats $5 million behind.


“Placating the woke Left’s tirade against America may play well on Twitter and cable news, but it looks like anarchy is too tough a sell for liberal enablers like the DLCC to persuade donors to keep contributing to their radical mission,” Lenze Morris, the national press secretary for the RSLC, told Breitbart News. “Defunding the police, overreaching economic shutdowns, and shaming those who are proud of their country – it’s all a bridge too far for Americans, and state Democrats right now own every bit of this ludicrous agenda.”


Despite getting beat by Republicans, the DLCC still attempted to frame its haul as a win, claiming it raised more than the second quarter of the election year last cycle in 2018.

Anonymous ID: 3c3654 July 7, 2020, 7:35 p.m. No.9890508   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Silicon Valley CEO is kicked out of a California restaurant for hurling racist abuse at an Asian family and yelling 'Trump is going to f*** you'


Michael Lofthouse, the British CEO and founder of tech company Solid8, shouted racist abuse at Jordan Chan and her family on Saturday

The family were out celebrating a birthday at Bernardus Lodge and Spa's Lucia restaurant in Carmel Valley, California, when the attack took place

Shocking footage shows Lofthouse shouting 'fking Asian piece of st' and 'Trump's going to f**k you!'

An outraged restaurant worker steps in and orders him to 'get out'

The video was posted on social media Sunday and went viral after it was shared by pop star Kelly Clarkson

Lofthouse later issued a grovelling apology, telling 'My behavior in the video is appalling'


A Silicon Valley CEO was kicked out of a California restaurant on July 4 for hurling racist abuse at an Asian family and yelling 'Trump is going to f*** you'.


Michael Lofthouse, the British CEO and founder of tech company Solid8, was caught on camera racially attacking Jordan Chan and her family when they were out celebrating a birthday at Bernardus Lodge and Spa's Lucia restaurant in Carmel Valley on Saturday.


Shocking footage shows Lofthouse shouting racist abuse at the diners from the table opposite.


He calls the family a 'f*ing Asian piece of st' before an outraged restaurant worker steps in and tells him to 'get out'.


The video was posted on social media Sunday and went viral after it was shared by pop star Kelly Clarkson.

Anonymous ID: 3c3654 July 7, 2020, 7:36 p.m. No.9890518   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0560 >>0726 >>0815 >>0948 >>1027

Deutsche Bank agrees to pay $150MN fine over ties to Jeffrey Epstein


Deutsche Bank has said it will pay $150 million as part of a settlement with New York regulators, after being accused of violating anti-money laundering rules in its relations with the late disgraced tycoon Jeffrey Epstein.


The bank “failed to properly monitor account activity conducted on behalf of the registered sex offender,” the New York State Department of Financial Services (DFS) said in a statement on Tuesday. It added that the financial institution failed to monitor the activity despite having “ample information” about Epstein’s criminal record and the circumstances surrounding it.


Epstein was first convicted of procuring an underage girl for prostitution back in 2008, and US law enforcement has since identified dozens of girls, some as young as 14, whom he allegedly abused. Deutsche Bank worked with Epstein from 2013 onwards and closed his accounts only in 2018 when the financier’s crimes once again fell under the media spotlight.


The bank knew Epstein was a “high risk” client, but still failed to take due effort to monitor his activities, the DFS said, adding that the financial institution “processed hundreds of transactions totaling millions of dollars,” including those between Epstein and his co-conspirators, while ignoring numerous red flags.


“Throughout the relationship, very few problematic transactions were ever questioned, and even when they were, they were usually cleared without satisfactory explanation.”


In 2016, former Deutsche Bank employee Eric Ben Artzi argued that the bank was “structurally designed by management to allow corrupt individuals to commit fraud.”


Now, however, the bank claims that taking on Epstein as a client “was a critical mistake and should never have happened.” The bank also said it conducted internal investigations, which the DFS saw as “exemplary.” It has also reportedly invested more than $1 billion in “training, controls and operational processes” following the scandal.


The agreement marks the first enforcement action taken against a financial institution for dealings with Epstein, the DFS noted.


The billionaire was arrested once again in July 2019 on charges of sex trafficking of minors. He died in his cell a month later under suspicious circumstances, although his death was declared a suicide. He had a decades-long association with British socialite Ghislaine Maxwell, who was arrested by the FBI in late June and is now accused of helping her pedophile “friend” to “identify, befriend and groom” underage girls.

Anonymous ID: 3c3654 July 7, 2020, 7:40 p.m. No.9890556   🗄️.is 🔗kun

‘Too many books… that are never fact-checked’: White House furious as media give book by Trump’s niece instant credibility


The US media are just too eager to accept any ‘fiction’ at face value as long as it is critical of the president, his adviser Kellyanne Conway said as a new damning book about Donald Trump by his niece got instant traction.


‘Too Much and Never Enough’ – a book Mary L. Trump, a psychologist and a daughter of the president’s late brother Fred – is scheduled to be published next week. Excerpts promising its readers to reveal how the Trump family “created the world’s most dangerous man” have already captivated the attention of the American media.


Since a copy has been obtained by AP, the likes of the New York Times, ABC and CNN have been sparing no effort in savoring the president’s alleged flaws and faults brought to light by the author, be it his alleged racism, “penchant for division” or a claim that he cheated on his SATs, tests widely used for college admission.


The White House response was not long in coming as the president’s pollster and aide Conway castigated the media over their penchant for imbuing what she called “fiction within a work of fiction” with “instant credibility” as long as it is harmful to Trump.


“I think reporters ought to focus on getting the story and not the president,” she said.

“There are too many books out there that are never fact checked."


The story about Trump allegedly making another person to take his SATs for him has already taken Twitter by storm, sparking a flurry of comments from various public figures ranging from sarcastic mockery to damning criticism. The narrative has been apparently readily taken for granted, even though it has not been corroborated by any other sources so far.


Yet, some people rushed to substantiate Mary Trump’s claims with their own observations, while CNN political analyst and former Bill Clinton spokesman Joe Lockhart even suggested creating a “fund” for the person, who supposedly took the test for Trump, calling on this person to “come forward now and do a public service.”

Anonymous ID: 3c3654 July 7, 2020, 7:46 p.m. No.9890625   🗄️.is 🔗kun

==The Diplomatic Foundations of

China-Israel relations==


Full 12 pages in file





























