Anonymous ID: ed8076 July 8, 2020, 9:36 a.m. No.9895003   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5008 >>5078 >>5243

>repost from last bread, didn’t realize the bread almost ended, just asking for eyes on, maybe work some hive mind magic


Apologies anons, this became much longer than anticipated, dots were just connecting everywhere for me.


While researching the use of red X’s in Q’s post, I came across some interesting tidbits that ties a few things together for me.


#1 The times (the magazine) used red X’s four times in its history to mark the end of three people and one flag. (Q marked three people, is a flag next?)


#2 During the lead up to the french revolution, Marie Antoinette was guarded by Swiss Gaurds, in france and they died protecting her. Why Swiss Gaurds? Because Marie Antoinette came from Austria and was from the line of former Holy Roman Emperors (the Habsburgs). She had four children, only one of which I could find a name and he was used to declare her guilty of incest.


#3 The lead up to the french revolution had many causes, more than just the price of bread. The people were pissed about the aristocratic church not paying taxes as well as the other “estate” of nobles. This lead to the de-christianization of france in that time.


This de-christianization lead to

#3a: The cult of reason

#3b: The cult of the supreme being


The cult of reason was aethist, devolved into degeneracy despite their belief in reason. It was overtaken by the cult of the supreme being which followed somewhat along the lines of christianity, but aspired more towards the roman and greek empire with their beliefs in democracy and republican values.


These cults were outlawed by Napoleon and christianity made a comeback.


I can’t help but see a mirror of the french revolution, and the rise of Q in all of this. It seems very similar to the cult of the supreme being (cult in this fashion not having a negative connotation) but with more an emphasis on the christianity aspect and a desire for truth to be found via reason and logic.


Some people may not like this idea, I know that our enemies, our detractors use the word cult in a demeaning way. I do not mean to add fuel to their fire, In just looking for answers and meaning, finding connections.


I may be completely wrong in my interpretation, I have most certainly missed aspects of all of this.


#4 The reign of terror was from 5 September to 27 July 1793-1794. 6% of nobles were executed during this time. (roughly 17,000 people were executed). The great Terror followed were the rights of the accused were suspended and the jury had to choose between acquittal or death. roughly 1400 people were executed in just over a month.


Now I’ve heard that the french during the revolution, used red Xs to mark the doors of nobles to take down. I’ve not been able to confirm this, maybe someone else can.


But this could lead to a meme request - put red Xs over the faces in Qs jail cell meme.