Anonymous ID: f7d380 July 8, 2020, 1:33 p.m. No.9897142   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7155

Hey Q friends, someone on Facebook posted this thought I would share.


Covid, Commies and Common Core


I was researching again on the Covid vs Rioting correlation and was amazed to find that the same states that claimed there was no correlation in the rise of cases vs size of riots are the very states where riots and huge spikes in covid are present. Rioters, young enough to have no fear of Covid, spread the disease. I began to wonder how many of these rioters were teens released from school back when the rioting and Covid regulations started. From a range of news sources, the consensus is that under 25 years old is the majority of all protesters with the 18 and younger as the largest segment out of all age groups. If they were in school the riots would be much smaller. Keep that in mind as we roll towards election day. The rioters stated that it was about George Floyd but quickly turned it into a Socialist vs Capitalist movement with the majority of the group’s leaders stating in interviews that they are Marxist (communist) and were intending to create a movement long before George’s death. In short, Marx wrote his theories about the violent overthrow of governments without ever having actually run one and never did in his lifetime. His writings are solely about the process of removing other forms of government and replacing them with a small elitist group that cannot be removed through any form of voting or otherwise, a totalitarian rule. One of its main aims is the elimination of all religions. This socialism/communism is always destructive and millions die, every time. Anyone claiming to be a Marxist would be planning this method. So, the question must be asked: Where would a group of teenagers get these ideas? Why would a group of socialist/ communists grow up within our midst without our knowledge of it happening? What happened during their upbringing that was so different than ours? In 2010, President Obama introduced Common Core. Schools were tasked with implementing this program. Although no laws were passed to enforce its use, it was forced upon schools or federal funding would be denied. This was in a time when federal regulations closed forests to logging, sent manufacturing jobs across borders and overseas and shut down mining and oil production, ultimately leaving schools with very little income from county and state taxes. They would use Common Core or they would lose their jobs. Anyone who remembers the implementation of Common Core will know that it consisted of removing all the old books from schools and bringing in these paperback workbooks. Students were without actual books and no electronic version replaced them. The workbooks were found to be very poor curriculum but also seemed to teach alternate versions of history and especially politics. Earlier today, I didn’t know exactly when Common Core was released and while looking for it came across an article from 2020 about it recently being removed by President Trump. The link to this Forbes article is below and describes how several states are continuing its use and its curriculum regardless of its complete failure as a teaching system. Then I came across a quote in the article that stood out like a sore thumb. Note that the author of the article is a specialist in schooling and you can see this in the title at the top of the article. The quote is describing what he hints at as being an extremist view that should be considered incorrect and crazy:


“Likewise, many opponents of the Core developed a picture of it that was not closely related to reality (”Common Core will turn your children into anti-Christian commies”).”


Common Core was claimed by many to be the beginning of the revisionist-history movement. For ten years it was used in schools to influence the developing minds of our newest generation. A generation that now speaks of socialism and communism as though it was a grand new idea that would save the world. Communism and socialism are known to fail after destroying their own countries in the trying but somehow a generation seems to be completely convinced that it is better than living in the most highly sought after and revered home in the world, the USA. Looks like Common Core didn’t fail after all. It did exactly what it was intended to do.


This article was published in Forbes on Jan 30th of this year, 2020, before George’s death. Within months of its release, the mocking quote he touted as “not closely related to reality” marched onto the streets to burn down several major US cities.