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Anons… I have a feeling that Obama is the arrest that will wake the world up THEN the Clintons.
I think it's about to happen.
If Obama is arrested on child sex trafficking charges (then later everything else), the world will be sickened.
As per CDAN, the Chinese and DNC and Soros are involved.
THEY ARE NOT the puppet masters.
The Church is.
The Church tried out their bioweapons in Africa to make it easier to get children by wiping out villages of parents.
Notice anything special about COVID19???
I'm not sure anon.
Arresting Obama for child sex trafficking and conspiracy would jolt everyone and massively lower the threshhold for everything else.
Imagine others trying to defend someone who helped sold child slaves to be fucked underage by their mates.
It would destroy EVERYTHING for the Left.
Just by association and EVERYONE would distance.