Anonymous ID: de73fd July 12, 2020, 7:19 a.m. No.9937789   🗄️.is 🔗kun


wrong wall the El Paso project "which I drove down and saw when 8chan was shut down" is still standing with zero problems, its the one next to the butterfly bitch that is about to fall over due to short footing and the Rio Grande is running parallel to it and washing out the base on the river side "not the private land side" so yeah I thought the same at first but that Sunland Park NM "el paso" project is nice just type in Smelter Town USA in maps if you want to see it in person.. And yes the Wal-Mart that was "shot up" in september is the closest one to this wall that the DS Actor drove hundreds of miles to come too. And was completely unobservant when I arrived "privacy fencing all around it, it is situated on high ground/highest grade on the mall property" so to me was always a retaliation by the DS against the shutting down of their trafficking corridor with the original private wall "which is very impressive"