We've got problems. Where to start.
There are three objectives I see
Gods Hand - Nothing Less than Revelation
Satans Hand - To Change the Events of Revelation
Mans Gambit - The False Hopes of Worldly Men
I'm gonna rant, but I'm the source
Christ said the World would not hate them, but it would
hate Christ because he testified that the world was Evil
A lot of people don't want to hear that.
It sais in Our Scripture to Trust No Man but God.
The Voice of God goes out as Many Waters which
are the Voices of the Multitudes, and Spirits and Tongues
and such. Know Him and Know His Word.
We are to be Sweet as Doves and Innocent as Babes and Wise as Serpents. This is without a doubt, the Way and the Light and the
Truth was Revealed by the Son of Our Father. We are to Stand
in the Face of Evil and Iniquity. To Love Our Brother as Ourself
and to Have Charity, for Surely to Walk on the Gospel is no less.
We could give up everything we own and it would be for not if we
don't have Charity.
Point Being We Know what we are to do in Christ.
But where are we, and who can we Trust. I have this answer and a half.
I gotta start this with a story, so
On May 10th of This Year - I being the BrideGroom was Reborn at 3:33am
when this happened the Bride flew through the firmament screaming. It is
written that the Groom will be alone before he goes.
Matthew 19:5
"A Man shall leave his Mother and his Father to Cleave to his Wife; Less they Twain and become One Flesh."
She actually committed suicide in 2016 while I was locked up in a facility in
Utah - I was 17 and she was 18 at the time. God Reunited Us upon the White Stone and now we're on some picasso notes but we haven't gotten there yet.
So she flew through the firmament, and I got Drenched in etheric waters, and we recieved the Holy Spirit or the Holy Ghost. The devil was there,
and I guess thats why she got swept up, and he left right after. And the Holy
Ghost showed me the Names Isaac and Ariel
Isaac meaning He who Laughs and Ariel meaning Lion of God
Issachar being more aligned to the meaning in Genesis 30:18
This all happened while I was driving down the road on muh pilgrimage
I'll stop here. The reason I told you this story indiscriminate is because
this story put us on the Biblical timeline of Revelation. One Thousand
Two Hundred and Threescore Days
or 1290 in Daniel 12:11 days which is just short of a Year Two Years and a Half a year which reminds me of the Day, two days, and half a day the Two witnesses are Dead or the day, two days, and half a day Abram walked in the Fires he was thrown into by Nimrod. One Thousand Two Hundred and Threescore days.
I think the bearing up of the Ephah with the Talent of Lead in Zecheriah
was the similar to the Setting Up of the Abomination that maketh Desolate which I just quoted in Daniel 12:11
10: Many shall be purified, and made white, and tried; but the wicked shall do wickedly: and none of the wicked shall understand; but the wise shall understand.
11 And from the time that the daily sacrifice shall be taken away, and the abomination that maketh desolate set up, there shall be a thousand two hundred and ninety days.
12 Blessed is he that waiteth, and cometh to the thousand three hundred and five and thirty days.
and then theres this.