fresh stacy catsratrophies available know on msdnc showing her disgust of Americans now wearing masks // // rome is burning shes ses
why is rome burning? drFRAUD at the vatican?
fresh stacy catsratrophies available know on msdnc showing her disgust of Americans now wearing masks // // rome is burning shes ses
why is rome burning? drFRAUD at the vatican?
stacy demanding a mask for her gap
stacy ses biden is the administration of jobs.
know this is too much!!
OLDdooneell reverting to blm georgie hoyt – its safe territory .. no moar interviews whitey
two pumps to the back of the head
hyeah sounds about hilldawg right ,suicide hotline is hot
ashish jha from HARVAaard ses he's very concerned about cdc getting CUT THE FUCK OUT of the corona counting covid19 deaths …., FUACK YEAH odoonneell nail it
brian william just pulled the ultra white blm msdnc racist card by claiming "drfRAUDulein THE foremost infectiouse desease specialist – muhBEE in the ENTIRE ENGLISH SPEAKING WORLD, perhapps ON THE PLANET
sounds ultra wihitey nationilist tome me freulieng drFRUAD