Just watched a movie, the invisibale man, and i thought, hmmmm this movie has also the Equality-Agenda running. You know, those movies brainwashing you into some obscure form of equality values. White man evil, black man good, etc…
The main actor: Elisabeth Moss.
So i look her up, wiki tells little to no about her routes but at the end, there is something very interresting.
First of all, she is doing a lot of those odd MK Ultra eguality movies, tv shows but here is the burner of all of it
she is part of Scientology
She even went so far to defend these guys.
>Religious freedom and tolerance and understanding the truth and equal rights for every race, religion and creed are extremely important to me.
read between the lines and keep in mind, she is a scientology psycho!
I always was wondering, why these people have such a fucking up believe narrative in their had, close to a schizo, that they can't see the other side. This happened to me during the #gamergate shit too, when a person wasn't able to take a look at a news articel talking positive about gamers and actual corruption in msm.
what kind of fuckery is the derp state doing?
I am aware that the founder of scientology had connection, or was a good friend of an cia agent. I am sure, he was using some mk ultra shit.