#12796 @SCRAPE posted in #12797
>>9999115 Iranian hackers accidentally leaked videos showing themselves teaching junior hackers how to break into email accounts and siphon data from them, it has been revealed.
>>9999116, >>9999312 Planefag reports
>>9999122 The Liminalist # 251: The Difference Between Hollywood and a Mexican Drug Cartel (with Joseph Domenick)
>>9999149 Boy, good thing they had enough time to bolster their "Everything we don't like is a 'deepfake'" narrative
>>9999248 Who is 'der Wald-Rambo' and why did he flee into the forest?
>>9999314 Florida Health Officer Labels Motorcycle Crash Victim a Coronavirus Death
>>9999328, >>9999419, >>9999521 Germany investigates 30,000 suspects over paedophile network
>>9999341 300,000 babies stolen from their parents - and sold for adoption: Haunting BBC documentary exposes 50-year scandal of baby trafficking by the Catholic church in Spain
>>9999357 Ekaterina Alexandrovskaya, Olympic figure skater, dies at 20
>>9999428 Proclamation on the Death of John Lewis
>>9999429 Creepy: Tom Hanks in talks to play Geppetto in live-action Pinocchio movie
>>9999440 Statement purportedly by Chinese oligarch's Tomorrow Group hits back at regulators for breaking up Xiao Jianhua's conglomerate
>>9999459 June Happenings
>>9999793 Feds closed airspace over Portland, Oregon for SPECIAL SECURITY REASONS.
>>9999872 Kanye West has asked fans to sign a petition calling for him to be added to the presidential election ballot in South Carolina.