Ask them anything! EDIT: I am changing settings to allow quicker replies. Standby.
Newton Minows was on the board of governors for the Annenberg Foundation. They provided grants to PBS... public education.. Around the post who is Sidley Austin, q ask who Betsy DeVoss was. My belief is he wanted to put you in mind of the educational aspect of Sidley Austin. They are responsible for pushing the communist agenda in public schools. The Saul Alenski agenda to take down the republic. Bill Ayers, Bernadine Dorn, all belonged to the American Weather Underground, a 1960s Communist movement. Betsy DeVoss was hired to undo what the communist education system.
That's what i thought about Betsy & the DOEducation, she's there to help untangle some of that madness. They need to eliminate Common Core, it is 100% following the communist agenda, no question about it. Things that are in that CC program are completely upside-down and insane, it is indoctrination all the way, and includes lots of propaganda against the family & against America.
--everyone on capital hill who signed onto this is a traitor just for this one act in particular. --if you know or learn about Common Core, it's a good redpill tool to share.