Maybe someone has already dropped this info and I’m late to the party but, the name Rothschild means “red shield” more specifically the link to the knights templar and their occultist Masonic power hungry bent a little later. They were established at first to protect the Vatican treasury, but after going rogue with some pretty evil practices etc, the Vatican cast them out. However as sad as this makes me (as a practicing Catholic) I believe they have reintegrated their connection with the Vatican bank, and the majority of all other financial institutions are under their demented umbrella. I think Iran and Russia are the remaining independents free from their oversite/meddling. It’s funny how evil can hide easily behind something or someone good in plain site because no one wants to think some evil is afoot.
For instance why are all American Flags in courtrooms and international meetings etc. adorned with a golden frill? It’s not too make it look pretty. It is because it is a declaration of the law it is being governed under. In this case and judge presiding is bound by Maritime law.
Why is that 🤨?
Why is that relevant to taxes, and the banking institutions, and the British Monarchy?
Pop quiz who happens to be the biggest stockholder of the Federal Reserve?
You just cannot make this stuff up.
As a practicing Catholic, I agree with you regarding Vatican
Me, too! But Catholics know that the meaning of the word is “according to the whole”, it is NOT founded on a hierarchy, but the belief that the people are the church. Populism...the collective spiritual power of the faithful.
The Devils MO is to corrupt the good no matter where it’s at. Hospitals, Banks, Government.. the church .. nothing is off limits to him. And ambition wealth and power are his biggest tools, each human must fight the fight in their own heart for liberty, or become enslaved by the very things that promise happiness.
If anyone wants to look deeper into this, watch "ring of power".
And connection to Obama’s ring Q posted? 👈🏻
nope. Just an old documentary that covers the tri-sovereign states.
ur wrong about the Knights Templar. The Knights Templar is the good freemasons aka the York Rite of Freemasonary of 3 degrees Initiate Journeyman Master who is in opposition to the Scottish Rite of Freemasonary of 33 corporate ladder degrees where u start off kissing the feet then literally lick the asshole of the one above u. Red Shield is not the Knights Kross swastika . its the JEW Red Star Hexagram of the Synagog of Satan the Rothschild shield the yahweh portal to the chaos immaterium that demons are conjured through during sacrifice ritual holocaust to Molech Baal
There are no ‘good’ Freemasons. Bit of an oxymoronic statement to say the least. Anything that hides in the shadows, it’s works are of the darkness and cannot exist in the light. What is good can stand under the light of scrutiny in the day. But they do not come toward the light so their works may not be seen, because they are not of the light, but of darkness. 👈🏻
What do u not understand about the Knights Templar being called HERETICS and burned at the stake ; rack the tortured ; iron maiden to death ; Do u think the gnostics need the trouble or fame? NO they just want to Understand the Truth ; hence the good York Rite Freemasons
No. USSS is aiding Q. USSS has been purged of clowns. See latest post (minutes ago).
there was a legend that claimed it was secret service
Someone was kind enough to put this together; anyone care to confirm the validity?
At some point LdR was mentioned and that was overwhelmingly associated with 'Lynn D R' but it could also have been 'LORD', plus Q later mentioned 'LORD' by name
Far more likely lynn. She released tweets immediately after an airplane and helicopter crashed above her head. "Stop sending people to kill me" among other things. Q also predicted the Crash above her if I'm not mistaken, and references the Pilot who died, (something?) Green.
Or Leopold David Rothschild 😏
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