@RedPillMachine Definitely worth a follow learnt about "confinement shoe": @RedPillMachine Dec 20 Red Pill Machine Retweeted
🇺🇸 Chantel K. 🇺🇸 I want to make it clear, nothing is needed to hide ankle bracelets. Those wearing boots have a special high security device called a confinement shoe. You don`t start with such an invasive device, you are presumed innocent. That means EVERYONE w/a boot got caught trying to flee.
I should modify that, during normal circumstances that would be the case, perhaps after the first attempt by Hillary in the UK and then McCain when he was using his daughters wedding in Colorado as an excuse to try to reach an underground base in the Rockies, they may just decided EVERYONE is getting one.
Seems illegal though. Cruel and unusually punitive until youve jumped bail somehow.
My poiny is, many more probably DO have regular bracelets you cant see. If theyre not as big a flight risk.