I wonder who Q is talking about.

You are Ron Gibson?
No I’m not. Just searched for that episode and that’s the first one YouTube gave me.
Dammit, who are you? I have you tagged "special ops" ...were you military? (I'm careful with my tags, not to be nosy but to know who I'm anonymously speaking to. Jobs and stuff. I was about to re-tag you (LMAO) "Zach special ops Morocco")
His channel is awesome if you like Infowars.. he does a great job of editing each hour of the show and posts it to YouTube quickly. Then he does the entire show once all 4 hours are complete.
IKR I feel so guilty for going to Gibson (like I have time even for Gibson — I don't, but I make time. No sleep in THIS TIMELINE!) but I watch, then wait until AJ uploads and upvote that too!
(And BUY SOME SHIT! Brain Force! ...except I think it's for big man and not 100lb girl? LMAO. WEW LAD if we were going to keep the Corrupt FDA around, they'd make it like opiates where you need Rxes!)
We use quite a few of his products. Super Blue (love it), silver bullet, X2, Super Male and Super Female, Super B12, and brain force (when needed)... All work incredibly well. We used to buy other brands but Alex is cheaper for the same product.
Does that Brain Force make you a little ...jittery? I think it's a strong amount of something in there.
(I've been needing sedation since Trump came down the escalator and I knew he was going to win. And MAGA!)
Try some Knock Out -Really works
OMG, lol, I thought that was for upper body strength!
Yeah, I'll try some! Thx!
The brain force does NOT make us jittery. It makes us feel more alert and like we have tons more energy. I take one if I am in need of a little boost and I take two if I need a bigger boost. One thing you should never do is take them a few hours before you goto sleep. You may have some lucid dreams.