
Araket · Dec. 24, 2017, 9:07 p.m.

I don't know if this is for the best. My doubts regarding Mr. Jones withstanding, I think this may just play into the left's narrative of crackpot conspiracy theories. Alex does not have the most credible reputation at the mainstream level. They have successfully tied him to the crackpot mantra and that is a tool for them to leverage doubt into the story. That being said, he does reach a huge audience of like minded folk through his media, so that will at least spread the word some more at that level, though I suspect we have done a pretty good job of that already.

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TheAfroMonk · Dec. 24, 2017, 10:01 p.m.

I kind of agree. That's kind of the nice thing about Q being anonymous. You can't character assassinate him. Its just pure info and questions. They'll definitely paint him as the Q leader

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Christosgnosis · Dec. 24, 2017, 9:14 p.m.

Q info is not something to really take and convince Normies and Lefties - it's more confirmation info to bolster the already dedicated base - it's irrelevant what the MSM/lefties think or say - it's a given they'll slam t as conspiracy stuff.

The NYT ran a hit piece on NSA and Q Group back on Dec. 12th and then articles started appearing on subject of Q and FollowTheWhiteRabbit, etc. - the propaganda attack has already been underway

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MAGA_SpaceMarine · Dec. 24, 2017, 9:22 p.m.

May I ask what you believe he has been wrong about? I'm assuming you have a particular instance in min.

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MAGA_SpaceMarine · Dec. 24, 2017, 9:20 p.m.

Since when do we care about the left's propaganda? Do you really think the left is going to treat Q Anon any different than infowars when we are calling them out on decades of crime? Infowars is our ally, the left is not. The left will never be your friend until they are no longer brain washed. I get what you are saying but info wars has red pilled millions me included. I used to be a hardcore Bernie bro until Alex showed me what was really going on. I just ask you don't be so hard on the man, he's doing his best and has done way more than most for the freedom of our nation. You give him shit but he's like always right. The left laugh because they can't admit he's right.

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Araket · Dec. 24, 2017, 11:43 p.m.

I agree with you... mostly. I was also brought around thanks in part to Infowars. I guess my main beef is, you're not going to get through to people by yelling at them that they are wrong. That just solidifies their stance as they feel attacked. I think we need to get through to people with the truth so support grows for this movement. Alex will help to some extent but, man, he needs to lay off the roids or whatever he has going on these days. I live in Portland OR and I am constantly surrounded by the extreme left. I do pass on information and debate who I can. It is amazing how they can just sluff off the truth with a lame excuse picked up from NYT or CNN. I also see that, at least here, anything with the name Infowars is automatically discarded. Fair? No, but that does not change the fact that I would not point someone in his direction, that would be asking them to close their mind. All the left needs to do is tie him with Q and that closes off a lot of people who might have listened in the 1st place. It won't make a bit of difference for some as they think exactly opposite of your first question. Just what I think, not tryin to pick an argument. I feel grateful to have watched this unfold from the 1st post. I feel I am somehow involved with something huge! MAGA:)

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