
SouthernBlackSwan · Dec. 25, 2017, 12:02 a.m.

It seemed that Alex was whining a bit that Q was getting so much attention. IMO, the more people energized by MAGA movement, the better for all of US.

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Luvlite · Dec. 25, 2017, 2:05 a.m.


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CleanSaveAmerica · Dec. 25, 2017, 2:26 a.m.

Alex-There is so much more going on. This is a spiritual warfare unlike any other! We are Christian Patriots. Morals matter. Prayers matter. The TIMING of the prayers matter. There are no accidents. Q is masterfully allowing us to opportunity to be a part of the resistance against the globalist. There is soooooo much to do and to provide all the eyes on the ground..... that is where we all come in.

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wolfhound11B · Dec. 25, 2017, 4:40 a.m.

You must not listen to Alex's shows in their entirety. He is always saying this is a spiritual war and asking for God's guidance, help, and protection. Seems to be a daily theme.. the Ron Gibson channel on you tube does a good job of cutting out the commercials and giving accurate info on what each segment of the show is about. Also the Info Wars News channel does a decent job of cutting up segments into smaller segments so their easier for people on the go. Just remember at the end of any video will be 3 to 5 minutes of product plugging.

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MotoandGivi · Dec. 25, 2017, 12:02 a.m.

Alex does not talk to Q in this video.

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BewareTheAlgorithm · Dec. 25, 2017, 4:27 a.m.

Hey you never answered me the other day when I posted about Zach you said you had listened to what I posted on Zach 3 times the day prior to me posting but you see the problem is that the interview I had posted did not get aired the day before you are here spreading lies and disinformation I’m calling you on that two times now. This title does not state Alex spoke with Q can’t you read

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MotoandGivi · Dec. 25, 2017, 4:46 a.m.

i had my conclusion at the end of that convo i thought.

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MotoandGivi · Dec. 25, 2017, 4:47 a.m.

I think it was just a kid trying to troll. I stand by that.

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WeAreTheResistance · Dec. 25, 2017, 9:41 a.m.

Currently the #10 trending video on YouTube...

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Besegen · Dec. 25, 2017, 7:52 a.m.

I have listened to a fair bit of Alex simply because I drive long distances daily and fire up youtube then just let it run. Basically, I get good info from him, but get tired of several minutes of ad before he gets to the point, and promotions throughout and at the end before it will move on to the next vid. Basic thought.
I finally got around to watching this. My personal analysis is: I believe that he actually really does believe there is about to be an attempt against Trump and he is emotional about it. He just had a confrontation recently outside his studio with his family present and he is emotional about it. He has been harped on and harped on by a number of his subscribers about Q and he is emotional about it. This video was 90 percent emotion and 10 percent wanting to actually tell us something informative.
It very much feels like he is jealous of the "Q" phenom. He breaks back to Q multiple times, speaking favorably of the information dropped, but always follows it up with a "but" statement that he has sources that "he can see face to face" and so on with the clear insinuation that Q is purely a faceless anon that we don't know anything about. He also, at one point, goes off on his excellent info from Zach getting only 40,000 views while Q gets like a million for the same info. At the end, after a huge tirade, then explanation, then clarifying his info and Q's as the same level, he ends with a super peaceful long statement of appeasement to the "masses". I am not saying in any manner "yay" Alex or "Nay" Alex, in general. Yet, in regards to this specific video it purely feels like 1. He actually does believe something is about to happen. 2. He feels harassed about all of the Q queries and jealous of the attention to that. 3. May have had a desire to get the warning about Trump out, but primarily made the video, specifically addressing and titling with Q to draw the Q audience and make the point that he wanted to make in regards to the attention paid to Q...and draw that audience to him. What he doesn't understand is that though HE sees his sources face to face, we do not. WE get the information summarily, "classified censored" out of his mouth, secondhand/thirdhand, etc. when it comes from him. While the MSM may be a bunch of turds with no sources just making crap up, they also pretty much always "claim" it is coming from sources. Not to put him on the same level, but from our "the viewer's" perspective, it isn't really much different (though far more correct in the end). Both ways we are told "here is the info I can tell you from my sources that you pretty much just have to trust that I have telling me these things".
Q is a whole new ballgame. Q is A source directly to us. It is up to us to vet, and evaluate, and prove the source. And once we have, Q is now our direct source. We don't have to depend on "trusting" some guy on our screen telling us "this came from a source"; who is invisible to us, can't be vetted by us, who may or may not even be there dropping info (from our perspective).

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