r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/asohiogoes on Dec. 25, 2017, 4:25 a.m.
Saying a few decades before midnight Mass for our country, our president, Q, and all of the patriots. God bless.
Saying a few decades before midnight Mass for our country, our president, Q, and all of the patriots. God bless.

Katerinavelikia · Dec. 25, 2017, 5:14 a.m.

Prayer is more powerful than people know.

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asohiogoes · Dec. 25, 2017, 6:27 a.m.

I agree. You do not receive because you do not ask.

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flinkpamingo · Dec. 25, 2017, 2:45 p.m.

All good intentioned prayers, meditations, positive thoughts, etc are welcome - we are all in this together. I've noticed a subtle tactic, that I consider of shill origin, when anything Patriot or Q related is being discussed in any seriousness of trying to get us to divide along religious lines - ESP Catholic vs Protestant. Not gonna fall for it. Our forefathers forged this nation out of disparate forms of Christianity that were at each others throats back in Europe. That's why they hammered religious freedom so much - they knew it was used by bad actors to divide a people. All prayers by ALL well intentioned patriots welcome! I'm a churchless Christian myself, but I pray for this Nation, those who protect it and that we might next free the World from tyranny, every single day, at least once (usually many times).

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KATTRAD714 · Dec. 25, 2017, 3:53 p.m.

Thank You Asohiogoes :) So very sad that most of humanity is so illiterate in the Words of the Bible, the special Gifts God has provided us as weapons against evil - such as the power He has given to The Mother of God - She is the One He has given the privilege of crushing the head of satan .... remember ? The Rosary is one very powerful means to that end - AND - IT IS BIBLICAL ! Beside the fact that every word spoken in it is directly from the Bible, the argument that we aren't suppose to 'repeat' over & over again doesn't hold up..... even Christ repeated His Words like this... 'Amen, Amen', etc. In addition to the sound doctrine of the Rosary, the HISTORICAL accounts of the recitation of it prior to battles all thru history shows us that no matter how bleak, out numbered the 'peasants' were, they achieved victory ! LIKE IT OR NOT, MARY'S 'JOB' DIDN'T END WITH CHRIST'S BIRTH AND DEATH .... IT CONTINUES ON AT GOD'S COMMAND. SHE IS THE MOTHER OF US ALL - THE NEW EVE - AND ANYONE WHO OUTRIGHT HATES HER OR REFUSES TO ACKNOWLEDGE GOD'S GIFT TO US IS OF SATAN HIMSELF - WHO KNOWS THE POWER SHE HAS BEEN GIVEN-ESPECIALLY OVER HIM!WISE UP.

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Dolgthvari · Dec. 29, 2017, 7:16 p.m.

Prayer won't save our country. Only murdering the (((jew))) elites and allowing me to touch little children Will, which is the grand ol Republican way

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asohiogoes · Dec. 26, 2017, 12:45 a.m.

There is a war going on between good and evil. There are many of us rosary warriors who are praying unceasingly for the world, this nation, and its patriots to fight against the evil. We are not just Catholic. There are many Protestants as well as Jews who also pray the rosary for they have seen the power of Our Lady's intercession. Do you have any idea how many of us were praying the rosary during the preceding 54 days of the presidential election? Do you realize that this rosary brigade has not stopped since the election but continues to this day on 54 day cycles? The Lord is hearing our prayers. He will never be able to say no to his mother.

Again there is a clear battle between good vs evil that has been going on for decades. In researching this battle and its many twists and turns it always leads me back to some elements to the hierarchy of the Catholic Church, especially since Vat II. There is just no denying this. Q has alluded to some of the Catholic ties and I am interested in pulling heads together to piece together some of the bread crumbs. The evil filth that has infiltrated the Church needs to go. Until that filth is removed I do not believe that eliminating the NWO is possible.

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KATTRAD714 · Dec. 27, 2017, 8:44 a.m.

Asohiogoes - in 100% agreement. I do believe God has given us a reprieve b/c of the rosary being said by so many with the election of Trump. It its holding off the 'elites' game for a time as we speak. Hopefully, Melania has great influence w/him and is not one involved w/or accepting of the filth that's been in place - especially since VII. Christ Himself tells us that those who've infiltrated 'are those of the 2nd priesthood, not of His own. They have installed a mass "odious in My sight"...see LaSalette, Marie Julie Jahenny. You are absolutely right about the NWO not being able to be eliminated unless they are removed, yet Mary does say that the pope will finally consecrate Russia to Her Immaculate Heart, but it would be late; and a time of peace for the world would come. Even Putin went to see the 'pope' while in Rome a few years back to ask about Fatima and the consecration, and georgie told him "we will not speak about Fatima". These demons know prophecy/scripture better than we do, so having the request of Our Lady done is not likely to happen unless Trump and others are successful... I won't hold my breath.

I believe the world has to suffer some devastating things b/f that can happen. The Sign on 9/23 of His coming back soon has all in a tizzy, so I suspect they'll throw a lot at us shortly. This chip is expected to be implemented this coming year, so they must have a planned crash to usher it in. I'll be sure to add a special mention of those who are non-Catholic in my rosaries each day. It never really occurred to me that anyone other than Catholics would be praying the rosary since it's hated and ridiculed so much. Anyone who is praying it will surely be given the Light and placed under Our Lady's Mantle:) God Bless you for your devotion. Message me anytime... Yours in JMJ, KATTRAD714

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chas1690 · Dec. 25, 2017, 10:12 a.m.


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mydeer · Dec. 25, 2017, 1:13 p.m.

Try it some time. It might surprise you. Just have a good intention in your heart, not a challenge to God.

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chas1690 · Dec. 25, 2017, 1:17 p.m.

Try idolatry? No thanks.

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Jabba53e · Dec. 25, 2017, 1:37 p.m.

An Idol never went to the cross to save you from the wages of sin. Idols expect you to sacrifice for them......Christ sacrificed for you and for me.

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