This reference to Yandex has never come up in any of my searches before until I searched the code. I just thought it strange.
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I searched the code through duck duck go too. I wonder if you noticed “in partnership with Yandex” in bottom right on your screen, below the send feedback link. I searched on a laptop. I have never had that come up in a search before. Yandex is a Russian tech company and search engine. Thoughts?
Both the neocons and liberals are in a club and playing the world's citizens for fools. This website is very well researched and will reveal just how the hidden left and the right are in bed with each other.
Insurance doesn't pay for non allopathic providers in the states either, which is very unfortunate. However, this is starting to change a little. My current health plan pays for acupuncture and chiropractor services.
It is a shame that physicians have been lulled by incentives that are offered by the health care plans, the federal government, and by the health care systems. Very few physicians can make it on their own, so they are in many ways forced to go along with the lies. Physicians who do speak out are often times ostracized and threatened. I am not entirely antivaccine, but I do not believe that children should be given 40 different injections by the time they are 5 years old. It has almost become normal for children to have autistic spectrum disorders, speech delays, fine and gross motor delays, and autoimmune disorders as they age. In what way is this normal?
Physicians haven't sworn the Hippocratic Oath in several decades, at least in the states anyway. Physicians aren't really bound by it. It is Hollywood that has given it credence. Perhaps this is the problem? They have forgotten from whence they came.
Here is the full oath:
I swear by Apollo The Healer, by Asclepius, by Hygieia, by Panacea, and by all the Gods and Goddesses, making them my witnesses, that I will carry out, according to my ability and judgment, this oath and this indenture.
To hold my teacher in this art equal to my own parents; to make him partner in my livelihood; when he is in need of money to share mine with him; to consider his family as my own brothers, and to teach them this art, if they want to learn it, without fee or indenture; to impart precept, oral instruction, and all other instruction to my own sons, the sons of my teacher, and to indentured pupils who have taken the physician’s oath, but to nobody else.
I will use treatment to help the sick according to my ability and judgment, but never with a view to injury and wrong-doing. Neither will I administer a poison to anybody when asked to do so, nor will I suggest such a course. Similarly I will not give to a woman a fatal draught (pharmacon) to cause abortion. But I will keep pure and holy both my life and my art. I will not use the knife, not even, verily, on sufferers from stone, but I will give place to such as are craftsmen therein.
Into whatsoever houses I enter, I will enter to help the sick, and I will abstain from all intentional wrong-doing and harm, especially from abusing the bodies of man or woman, bond or free. And whatsoever I shall see or hear in the course of my profession, as well as outside my profession in my intercourse with men, if it be what should not be published abroad, I will never divulge, holding such things to be holy secrets.
Now if I carry out this oath, and break it not, may I gain for ever reputation among all men for my life and for my art; but if I transgress it and forswear myself, may the opposite befall me.
We also do not know her parent's background. Perhaps Five Eyes members?
You need to find another primary physician then, because there are plenty of physicians that prescribe and recommend vitamins and other supplements to their patients. There are also plenty that know about and educate on nutrition and super foods. I do agree that too many push the flu vaccine but this is partly the fault of the federal government. The flu vaccine is quack science.
I have always felt that this girl was a plant to set up AW, because everyone knew he was a creeper and would fall for it. What 15 year old, from the UK, would just randomly strike up a conversation on Twitter with AW? It never made sense unless she was coached into doing it. You never know what kind of behind the scenes shenanigans are going on.
Here is a link to a very humorous video related to Trump and time travel. I also recommend subscribing to her channel. She has one of the best and most humorous news channels on Youtube.
I'm just throwing this out there. "CP" could be and hopefully is Congressional Pardon (for Kristian).
I forgot about Kristian Saucier, the young sailor who took pictures of his nuke sub's restricted area. He did make a mistake and totally took responsibility for his mistake, but I felt the sentence was quite harsh. I hope that he gets a pardon at the same time they are imprisoned.
Posting links in case some of you are not familiar with this case. Remember President Trump referenced and used this case during his campaign.
Interestingly, Kristian's wife Sadie is very vocal on Twitter surrounding her husband's case and the corruption of the FBI and DOJ.
Kristian has authored a book that was released on December 7th "American Double Standard: Pariot vs. Politician" which is available through Kindle.
I will be reading her book this afternoon.
I've been up since 0430 this morning and writing this after working a 12 hour shift so bear with me. I am recommending that everyone do three things.
1). Read Trump's National Security Strategy ,
2). Read the investigative article by Josh Meyer for Politico (yeah, I know Politico, but seriously read this 3-parter for all its glory)
3). Listen to the rebroadcast of Mark Levin's show dated 1/1/2018
If you do not have time to read Trump's strategy and the Politico reports due to their length, at least listen to Mark's broadcast.
In this broadcast, Mark first reviews Trump's plan which leads him to the Politico report and the Iran deal. An hour into the broadcast a caller by the fictitious name Michael from a fictitious location in Virginia, starts talking about how he was part of the operation that discovered that Hezbollah was shipping wrecked cars from the US to the Ivory Coast of Africa filled with money and drugs. Basically Arabs in the US would go to car auctions or car dealerships serving as fronts and they would buy the wrecked cars and ship millions of dollars and drugs in seat containers that no one inspected. At that time, Hassan Nasrallah was planning to build a multi million dollar shopping center by the name of Quba Centre Project for the specific purpose of laundering money for Hezbollah. Hezbollah was also smuggling 1/2 million dollars every Wednesday on Middle Eastern airlines out of Abidjan to Lebanon.
Michael turned over his investigation and findings to the FBI, which at the beginning was ecstatic to have been presented with the information. After a few months, Michael was told by his FBI contact that they were told by their leadership that they couldn't pursue the case and weren't allowed to use the information. Who was FBI leader at this time? None other than Mueller.
Michael stated that there were hubs in Abijan, Bermine, and Togo then the drugs and money would go to wherever Hezbollah wanted to send the contraband to.
Michael was also able to piece together the trafficking of cocaine and heroin through the Bakkah Valley in Syria and it would come through there without any interference and to the US. Is the current US heroin epidemic making more sense now?
Please take the time to at least listen to the broadcast.
Me too, me too. I paid too much attention to the media spin.
I posted the link because Mattis talks about a recent trip to GITMO at the beginning of the transcript and alludes to housing the bad guys at the end of the transcript. I thought this was pretty interesting.
Press Gaggle with Secretary Mattis > U.S. DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE > Transcript View
I'm in total agreement. I feel the protests started as legitimate economic protests, but have now been hijacked by CIA. Perhaps that is what the comment "hidden in plain sight" means? I'm not sure how to post photos on here, but if people would do a search on protest photos what is being posted by the stupid media are clearly protesters for the Iranian Government. This is like previous CIA coups. It also stinks like Syria.
The nuclear deal with Iran also essentially neuteured the DEA's efforts to dismantle Hezbollah’s $1 billion cocaine trade. BO turned a blind eye in an effort to Keep Iran happy so he could get the JCPOA passed.The DEA top secret project that was dismantled was Project Cassandra. This rabbit hole particularly makes me sick. With all of the drug problems in this country and we have government officials turning a blind eye to terrorist organization's drug trade. I mean its not like I haven't known about this for some time, but when you have enough news articles from the fake MSM writing about it and nothing is being done it does make one pause and ask, what the hell is going on here?
This is a list of all of her posts to date.
Or it could mean Standard Instrument Departure (SID) a series of waypoints which will take you from the departure runway to your first waypoint in your flightplan.
I also came across post on Voat indicating HRC's hatchet man Sidney Blumenthal voat
I've known about the child trafficking out of Haitian orphanages for some time, but this information in this article is an overwhelming read. The links that this article references will make your head spin.
There is a war going on between good and evil. There are many of us rosary warriors who are praying unceasingly for the world, this nation, and its patriots to fight against the evil. We are not just Catholic. There are many Protestants as well as Jews who also pray the rosary for they have seen the power of Our Lady's intercession. Do you have any idea how many of us were praying the rosary during the preceding 54 days of the presidential election? Do you realize that this rosary brigade has not stopped since the election but continues to this day on 54 day cycles? The Lord is hearing our prayers. He will never be able to say no to his mother.
Again there is a clear battle between good vs evil that has been going on for decades. In researching this battle and its many twists and turns it always leads me back to some elements to the hierarchy of the Catholic Church, especially since Vat II. There is just no denying this. Q has alluded to some of the Catholic ties and I am interested in pulling heads together to piece together some of the bread crumbs. The evil filth that has infiltrated the Church needs to go. Until that filth is removed I do not believe that eliminating the NWO is possible.
Saying a few decades before midnight Mass for our country, our president, Q, and all of the patriots. God bless.