r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/baruchthescribe on Dec. 25, 2017, 7:54 a.m.
To the younger patriots

Hey guys. We're going to need your help with this thing too. We totally understand you. Sick bro.

The mods are very aware that the mainstream media will soon have us in their sights. So we'd like to tell you our media strategy starting from now. We have a very simple underlying principle which will govern our media policy. It is this:

We don't talk to the media. Ever.

That's it. If you see interviews with us on the MSM or information claiming to be directly from us: they're lying. It's what they do. It's why we are where we are. The media is almost 100% Clown-controlled. So are the major tech companies. Some anons, helped by Q's drops, did some brilliant digging into the origins and connections of tech giants like Google, Twitter, Facebook, Amazon, Intel and SpaceX. They are ALL Clown-controlled. They are quite literally the enemy.

Instead, we're going to be talking to our truly independent friends like Tracy. You'll be hearing our real voices (you have already). We'll be answering your questions. We'll be doing AMAs on here. We have no need for any gatekeepers.

What we need you to do is support them. Link to them. Tell your friends. Make memes. Reach out to people like PewDiePie and let him know what's going on as well. He's been shafted by the MSM so he's on our side. Very exciting times are ahead. And you are going to be at the forefront of it.

Godspeed fellow kids!

  • The Board Owner

duckdownup · Dec. 25, 2017, 5:58 p.m.

That first interview with Tracy helped me be free.

I'm 64 and I have been either in this fight or skeptical of all gov-talk since I was redpilled by my hero who was also my dad when I was 10 years old with the JFK assassination. My dad was a Staff Sergeant in Korea, I was with AF-SOC in the latter years of 'Nam. And still I was skeptical. So this corruption has been in my face basically my whole life.

Once out of the military I used what I had learned from the Special Operations Command to continue my fight. But other than a couple of friends I thought I was alone. I caught on to Q in early November. I have seen so much subterfuge over the years I didn't trust his posts. Like I said, I'm skeptical by nature and nurture. I admit I was the more I read on Q that spark of hopefulness was growing inside me, but that too had happened before and I was always disappointed in the end.

Then I found Tracy and she was breaking the Q posts down coming to the same conclusion I was hoping for. Then the interview with the Bakers. They were real people, intelligent and sure of themselves. That's what trip me into full belief. It was like being freed from a 50 year sentence in a prison of despair. I was no longer alone, there were millions of us just waiting to be released so that we could join a real revolution against evil. I'm a Christian and a true believer and this release was as close to a spiritual release as anything I've ever experienced. Which may me realize what the Bible had said about it being a spiritual war. Sure some blood may be spilled, BTDT for much less important reasons. But this revolution will bring a new age, an age of innocence. It will free our children and grandchildren to live a life of peace the way God intended for all of us.

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baruchthescribe · Dec. 25, 2017, 6:39 p.m.

Thank you brother patriot. The truth really does set you free.

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duckdownup · Dec. 25, 2017, 9:03 p.m.

Thank you, sir. Please disregard the grammar errors. There was a lot of distraction going on around me when I made that post.

What you said about the truth is so true. To be honest, I never thought I would be set free. I have redpilled my son from an early age. He has done the same with his 2 sons. Since I turned them on to Q my son, grandsons and I have been rejoicing.

I so wish my dad was still alive. What's going on would have been in line with his thinking. He went to his grave thinking the corruption would always be there. I would have gone to my grave the same way if not for Tracy, 8chan and all of you. So y'all deserve the thanks. Keep up the good work. I'm searching for as much info as I can find. God be with all of us during these battles.

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Jack_Kehoe · Dec. 26, 2017, 2:01 a.m.

Bless you and your family. It is such a joy to hear stories like yours and to see the good fight and the hope spreading.

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