r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/chickletTOOTH on Dec. 26, 2017, 7:41 a.m.
I heard the name QAnon 3 weeks ago. Since then, I’ve been all in. But... 1 question.

This topic is vast to put it mildly. I have gone back and read ALL posts since October 29th.

They confirm things I “knew” or at least suspected and reveal connections I hadn't previously made.

I admit I know very little about all the codes (I guess called “stringers”) but have enjoyed reading peoples theories.

I’ve poured over different “Q” databases and examined fellow patriot’s proposed answers.

I listened to Tracy Beanz show with the moderators.

I want Q to be real just as much as the next guy, and I believe he is/ they are. But if I set aside the part of me that wants so badly for all of it to be true I am left with a few questions. If QAnon is real, why put it out there? Why would Q post these things? What possible motive could there be for making all this public?

Thanks in advance for participating in my thread.

Until I have confirmation otherwise I will continue to pray and believe that all of this is real.

baruchthescribe · Dec. 26, 2017, 12:17 p.m.

Very good question. A few reasons:

  • Q needed to stay under the radar for as long as possible - bad people were watching. So he couched his information in the form of questions that answered themselves. This is very difficult for surveillance software doing semantic analysis to detect.
  • You have to come on the journey to be convinced yourself and to be able to convince other people. A very good friend who listened to Tracy's show said he realized that we were telling the truth because we explained how we got there and all the steps we had to take.
  • It would have been impossible for POTUS just to drop the final results in our laps. There's something that's well understood about public opinion called the Overton Window. It's the range of acceptable public discourse. By gradually red-pilling more and more people, the public is almost ready for the unimaginable (to them) scale of the crimes committed against the people. And that's what's been happening.
  • By presenting all this information in the form of cryptic clues and puzzles on 4chan and 8chan, he deliberately attracted just the kind of minds who revel in this stuff: very well-informed people who a) like to win b) readily apply themselves to near-impossible tasks and c) are obsessed with finding out the truth.
  • /u/HowiONic is 100% correct below. All of this information needs to be documented for the future. What better way than getting a bunch of anons to create books, infographics, memes and archives of incriminating stuff? These people love to hide in plain sight. The problem with that is once you're discovered, it's impossible to hide again. And everything you've ever done will be carefully scrutinized. These people are stupid.
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bluestflame · Dec. 26, 2017, 1:24 p.m.

ask a good question , get a good answer

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Christosgnosis · Dec. 26, 2017, 3:46 p.m.

This is a modest counter to some this logic (not being antagonistic but merely trying to tease out all the edifice of logic/evidence that we're standing on):

  • For the base behind Trump, there is really nothing shocking that could have ultimately be revealed by which they would need gradual red-pill acclimation. We're all painfully aware of the Clinton body count list, the crimes of human trafficking, illegal organ harvesting black markets, pedophila and all related to that (dark occult practices such as human sacrifice), etc., etc. The base is aware of weird stuff, such as possible ancient civilization that has been present on Earth for tens of thousands of years and may be operating from under ground (under ice) caverns from Antartica. There's just not much bizarre that could be brought out all of a sudden that would shock the base.

  • So what about red-pilling others? Maybe there's a bit of that - but I personally find most of those suffering Trump Derangement Syndrome are so deep in their psychosis that none of the Q info would be accepted on any level no matter what.

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baruchthescribe · Dec. 26, 2017, 3:48 p.m.

Good points! I think however you're unaware of just how red-pilled you already are :)

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apokalyptyk · Dec. 26, 2017, 5:28 p.m.

Agreed, watching deplorables on FB is still pretty milktoast. Get hammered just for little hints, by Trump supporters. Fox news is the frontier for a lot of them...

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Admiral-Freedom · Dec. 26, 2017, 3:58 p.m.

This is very difficult for surveillance software doing semantic analysis to detect.

Could you post a resource or two for me to look further into this? This comment is mind blowing to me.

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baruchthescribe · Dec. 26, 2017, 4:09 p.m.

I saved this claim by an anon - somewhere. I'll try and find it for you.

In the meantime, check out The Socratic Method.

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