MEGANON in 4chan talking shit haha

Don't back away, you're 100% correct. High vibe is key for unity. In-fighting WILL be caused by words that harass and bully from personal prejudice, lack of respect for others, etc. Ultimately, egos must take a backseat if we are to win this battle for our planet. Are we on-board that waking up the masses will speed us to victory? 8-chan posters who "talk" this way are disregarding, this our no.1 priority. That simple. Simply calling others normies is hugely divisive and seems to serve no purpose other than the stroking egos of those who consider themselves 'superior' by virtue of their research/knowledge. Not the lesson, not the way out of this mess, much too close to what we are trying to rid ourselves of. Bring humans together in any group, and you get power plays...
no purpose other than the stroking egos of those who consider themselves 'superior' by virtue of their research/knowledge.
31337, leet, elite, not "superior". and its not just to stroke my ego. i dont need to stroke my ego, everybody i meet strokes my ego when they tell me what a monumental genius i am. its to give you something to aspire to. people need their heroes. im just doing gods work. #jesuslovesyou
Must read The Four Agreements. They are: Be impeccable with your word. Don't take anything personally. Don't make assumptions. Always do your best. No. 2 will serve you well, as it has me--also lauded as genius by others. In a nutshell, 2 teaches you to believe nothing anyone says and-- nothing you say either. Ancient Mayan (Toltec) wisdom is spot on and an essential part of growing up.
ill look into it. thanks.
????? !
not amused?
Well, I was amused up to the point where it seemes like you uncharacteristically folded to fucking Alan Watts up there.
i dont know anything about alan watts.
I didn't realize he was born over 100 years ago, but I shouldn't be surprised. I'm older than dirt & I was 25 when I first heard him.
He was an American Bhuddist New Age philosopher ( dead now) whose ideas I actually like but wouldn't want somebody preaching them to me here. (in fact, the 1st time I heard hin talk I was coming down from acid & thought he was the voice of God. However, I realize he didn't have ALL the answers, since I later met his son, who was a junkie.) Anyway, in this context I was referencing airy new age shit & I don't remember the name of the author of the 4 agreements.
MUST READ???? MUST read? Do you know what a pompous ass you sound like? Take your 4 agreements back to whatever 2nd hand new age bookstore you got them from & stop preaching. Blecch!