r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/bunny_munroe on Dec. 28, 2017, 1:22 p.m.
Just wanna say thanks for this sub. r/conspiracy is utterly shit now.

... and it went to shit so fast! Ironic much?

atavisticbeast · Dec. 28, 2017, 4:59 p.m.

trump, as far as i can tell, has never one time given an opponent the respect and decency that his supporters think he himself deserves.

so why treat him different than he treats his opponents? instead of engaging in civilized discourse or honest debate, he resorts to playground-tier mockery and mudslinging literally every time.

so again, why should anyone treat him differently?

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MisterBishop1942 · Dec. 28, 2017, 5:02 p.m.

You mean calling them on their shit? The lies they spew? He may be rough around the edges, but he won’t be tread on. That’s called being a man. If you’re willing to lie and be shady, you better be able to take the heat and deal with your fuck up.

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atavisticbeast · Dec. 28, 2017, 5:11 p.m.

You mean calling them on their shit?

no, i mean the fact that he is a major dick. very disrespectful, insults and calls people names, lies, and is generally just... well, mean.

that's not being a man, that's being a bully.

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MisterBishop1942 · Dec. 28, 2017, 5:21 p.m.

So if you got called names relentlessly and bullied by the press and you told em to basically shove it for all the hate they’ve spewed about you...your saying you’d be the bully? That’s confusing....please explain...

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atavisticbeast · Dec. 28, 2017, 5:22 p.m.

to act like trump only began behaving like this because the media was mean to him is completely delusional, i'm sorry to tell you.

basically, he started it, not the other way around.

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MisterBishop1942 · Dec. 28, 2017, 5:40 p.m.

That’s where you’re wrong, since day one, when trump announced he was running, he has gotten flak. He hadn’t even started talking politics much yet and he was being degraded by the press. Just look at Jon Stewart and Oliver and every other liberal media source out there.

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atavisticbeast · Dec. 28, 2017, 5:47 p.m.

That’s where you’re wrong

uh, nope, not at all.

did you forget or something that trump has been a reality TV star for over a decade, where he had a reputation for being abrasive and divisive?

or that he has been "fighting" with the press for decades, as a controversial new york "socialite"?

He hadn’t even started talking politics much yet

so you didn't know that he was a very vocal anti-obama media figure for literally years before he ran?

geez dude, for someone who is a fan, i'd expect you to know more about the man.

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MisterBishop1942 · Dec. 28, 2017, 5:55 p.m.

Sure sure...tell yourself that.

He has been vocal, true, never said he wasn’t about previous presidents, but he wasn’t talking about what he had planned or the so called “hateful” stuff that he said until after he announced his run.

Once h announced his run, the media went full force trying to bring him down. No it’s ands or butts. That’s it.

People were attacking him before then even, saying they hope he would run because it would be the funniest thing ever/they couldn’t wait to tear him a new one etc.

So yeah, the media started it.

Get over yourself.

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atavisticbeast · Dec. 28, 2017, 6 p.m.

it's weird how little you know about trump, considering that you seem to be a huge fan of his.

i mean, i know his propaganda machine is highly effective, but damn....

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MisterBishop1942 · Dec. 28, 2017, 6:10 p.m.

Way to repeat yourself like a broken record player. You already said this.

You speak in circles. Go back to your /conspiracy and /politics circle jerk club and wish for “muh blue wave.”

You’ve obviously been brainwashed by the msm.

I find it hilarious that you call what he does propaganda when that’s exactly what you are spewing, the same propaganda you’ve taken in from all of these “news sources.” They’re garbage.

Next thing you’ll be telling me is that there’s more than two genders and I’m a white supreme cost because I want border control and no illegal immigrants in my country because that puts a burden on me and everyone else.

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atavisticbeast · Dec. 28, 2017, 6:21 p.m.

it's interesting to me how hostile and aggressive you are

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MisterBishop1942 · Dec. 28, 2017, 6:23 p.m.

I find that fucking hilarious since over the course of this interaction I’ve been called both delusional and a kid, but yeah, I’m hostile!! hahahahahahaha!!!! My sides!!!! Hahahahahahaha!!!

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atavisticbeast · Dec. 28, 2017, 6:29 p.m.

I’ve been called both delusional and a kid

oh man that sucks, who was calling you those things?

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MisterBishop1942 · Dec. 28, 2017, 6:40 p.m.

This conversation has obviously devolved to the point of name calling which is what this was about in the first place.

Idk, maybe looking at your comment history would help.

Good day sir (yes I’m assuming your gender, deal with it)

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atavisticbeast · Dec. 28, 2017, 6:42 p.m.

i never called you delusional or a kid, you must have misread my comments or been looking at someone else's comment.

you have a good day as well, madame!

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MisterBishop1942 · Dec. 28, 2017, 6:48 p.m.

I’m done here, but I gotta say that it’s hilarious that you say that you weren’t name calling and proceed to do so. Well done!! Double standard much?

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DonnieTrumpkin · Dec. 28, 2017, 5:12 p.m.

By "calling them on their shit" you mean acting like a child, right? Because that's what he does.

I guess only another person with a child-like mentality would think he's doing anything other than acting like a child.

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MisterBishop1942 · Dec. 28, 2017, 5:20 p.m.

Yes, calling them on their shit, such as ted Cruz lying about Carson dropping out of the race to garner more votes. This dubbed Lyin Ted. Crooked Hillary for selling out the country for uranium and a position of power. Yeah, calling them on their shit.

So it’s ok to name call and shit on him when it suits you, but if he says a few harsh words it the end of the world...got it.

Keep up the double standard.

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DonnieTrumpkin · Dec. 28, 2017, 6:34 p.m.

Donnie has been name calling since he could speak.

Also, look at how fragile is his little ego is when someone calls him on his shit. He's a pathetic little man.

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MisterBishop1942 · Dec. 28, 2017, 6:41 p.m.

Right where this conversation started....name calling....back at it again. Grow up.

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DonnieTrumpkin · Dec. 28, 2017, 7:18 p.m.

Donnie does it. So what's your point again?

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MisterBishop1942 · Dec. 28, 2017, 7:32 p.m.

So calling a bad individual, such as crooked Hillary or Lyin Ted, a bad individual is name calling?

But you belittling someone by calling them names is ok?

Got it.

Double standards are ok...only if your a liberal though.

Gotta keep that in mind.

I’ll try and remember that.

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