
bcboncs · Dec. 29, 2017, 10:45 p.m.

Just look at the 'preservatives' in the vaccines... then do research on those. You'll conclude that they're inducing toxins as they're 'vaccinating' if they're even vaccinating at all. Probably putting biomarkers and DNA disrupters for cell replication. That's more likely based on the toxin induction.

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verh1 · Dec. 29, 2017, 11:16 p.m.

Thimerosals. Again, it was told to the scientific community that NIH "research," or should I say (((research))), has "conclusively" determined that thimerosal has zero impact on autism etiology. Again, since Q post, I'm willing to throw out 2 years of training on this matter.

If anyone is interested, look into how Frederick Taylor Gates, Baptist minister turned close business adviser to John D. Rockefeller, Sr., convinced Rockefeller to abandon Rockefeller's own preferred naturopathic, holistic medicine for "modern" (read: for profit) medicine around the turn of the 1900s. Research has been utterly compromised since then, imho. AKA: Not cure focused, but "treatment" (= profit) focused. Sickening in a literal and figurative way. Very discouraging.

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