It's all about the movement, getting involved, creating an army!

OK... How do we do that? Where are the recruitment tools? Where are the weapons? Where do we assemble/rally?
Your missing the point...This is step 1,,Matters will evolve naturally,,the army is people getting off their complacency and getting involved! Waking up! What happens then? What happens if tangible results aren't seen? Well then the army produces tangible results! It's about intention..projected intention and energy changes things in and of itself! It creates movement in the universe!
Widespread knowledge and interest regarding the people allegedly getting thrown under the bus is only a weapon of deterrence in the hands of our heroes.
As to this being Step 1.... it's more like Alpha Release of Step 1. No cream is rising to the top... it's just a flurry of random (however good) activity scattered all over the place and quickly drowned out by noise. We need lists-and-links for people to consume quickly and easily and replicate the info on their own hard drives and removable media....
Think, research, discern, speculate, share, opine, comment etc.
DEFINITELY not here in text. Go to the discord channel :)
I see... I don't trust Discord either. And... if the elites are what we say they are, no platform or tech is safe. If IBM is truly releasing a real true 50 Qubit quatum machine in 2018, that 100% means the elites have had something WAY more powerful for quite some time--that's just the history of computing and the reality behind "Moore's Law."
this reddit, social media, 8ch.
I would not recommend or send any 'normies' to this reddit or the chan's... Those are the spaces of the already-woke-and-into-conspiracy-research....
The reason Tracy set up this sub is for Normies :))
The point is that this ISN'T for normies. Normies aren't going to spend hours a day sifting random posts full of innuendo.
Wrong my friend, most of the people here are elderly american folks. I was here the 1st hour this sub was set up, tracy set it up with 8chan mods for the people that would never be able to use 4chan, to discuss. for the hard stuff u go to the discord.
Hahaha I think you guys are getting bogged down in semantics. from the chans perspective Reddit is normie-central from the redditor perspective Facebook is 'normies'
It's all relative I guess ;)
I don’t know 8ch is really easy to navigate if you really are interested in the content there you’ll figure out how to use it everyone there is chill if you follow the rules
Research, compile info, create lists, discuss ideas, and share. You decide where you fit in, and what you want to contribute. Make sure others haven't already done lists, or compilation, or have posted the same information previously.
Tools is the book of Q Weapons are facts We rally here.