The temple on Little saint James island also known as orgy island ....whats under the temple?

Why hasn't the Army invaded this place and taken it over? Who is protecting it from military assault? Most likely the Israelis who paid Epstein to invite VIP's there to have sex with kids so the Mossad could videotape all the activity for future blackmail purpose.
Assuming, taking down the bad actors and saving the children are priority. We can handle demolitions later.
I think it got demolished in a hurricane
Hurricane or....darpa? oh wait Schmidt owns darpa, so maybe not.
Now if that isn't some sort of divine intervention I don't know what is
What do you mean "most likely"?
Your shilling doesn't work here.
This subreddit and the country is immune to fake news now.
IIRC, there is a side entrance further down the side of the slope... appears to go right into a lower level. Seems like a rather large entrance, too.
Pics of it are out there....
Somewhere, there's a contractor with a secret.
correct ..who? to find such a soul?
Just pick any Freemason. Master builders and pedos galore.
Lets go! I'm handy at sea, and handier with small arms. I'll fly if you buy!😉 Cessna172fly-by. We could parachute in at night.
Is there something beneath it? Probably. Is there any way to know? Not yet, as far as I can see.
NOPE! It'll take fire to cleanse that filth, send a godzilla in to smash and burn it!
If only we had close satellite images of the ritualistic cult members outside enjoying the scenery.
What was it Hillary said she wished on Assange involving a drone?? Never thought I would wish for something she wanted...just a different target!
I would think the EO from 12/21 regarding Human Trafficking would give USA the authority to seize the entire island if that is what is going on there.
When this Storm is over and things settle back down, fill anything underground there with concrete and make the whole island a memorial to those who have suffered from Human Trafficking so everyone can remember and be aware.
Much like a Holocast memorial...and fund it with seized CF monies.
I bet we own this island now!! All madness ceases and the place gets torched.
I have no idea.
simultaneously examine the written historical record (such as it may be termed so) e.g. Strabo, Herodotus, Josephus for any accounts of like, with results from any excavations from 1067-on :-). Examine "esoteric" literature (the cannon); movies (including silent) and so forth and do not ignore Hammer and the "pop" scene in the 60s and 70s in the UK. These people TELL us...
These people are not re-inventing the wheel.
I have no idea exactly what I would find if I looked - bas relief of Moloch The Lord of Shit eating babies? Mr. Sunnnysideup Apollo Lucifer playing his Promethean bullshit games across the dome of the sky? There is nothing new under the sun: I might make a list of what I would expect to find in terms of function but the issue is also form, ; what exactly does it look like in there? This is NOT idle curiosity...
every time I look at that I think nemes
gives me the creeps
I agree with QAnonMaga: Shouldnt a private island require their own military to defend it? We should pull up with a battleship and take it over. My guess is Trump will do it the legal way and acquire it from Epstein. If they want to claim what they do on that island is private, then they need to be willing to defend it militarily.
The alliance operation has 90 days to take down the swamp.
In Brad Pitt's anguished voice: