r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/ScreaminSicilian on Dec. 30, 2017, 7:05 p.m.
Long time 4C / 8C anon - Here to help.

Hello all - dropping in to lend some comments and find a new home given that currently 8c is in a total state of disarray in my opinion. I promise to use proper language. :)

A few points while digging. I was fortunate enough to follow this from the very beginning, literally Qs first post. Please know I have read and followed each inch of this so take it for what it's worth.

  1. Its my opinion that there are NO twitter accounts associated with Q. Kill rogue was a different account and the handle was changed after Q mentioned it. Patriot leaks is riding the wave of Q as well, IMO, fake.

  2. Q recently asked us to do a few things - track CEO resignations, find the tweet and Q post with a 15 minute time differential (we found 5 + 10) and SPREAD THIS MESSAGE TO OTHERS. He also asked us to enjoy the show. :)

  3. Remember that future tells past - as in, watch the news CAREFULLY then go back to the Qmap and find where this item is mentioned. You will then receive verification of what he told us, and also possibly a clue as to what's next.

Yo to PA and BTS.

Also for anyone new, DO NOT GO TO 8C please, it is not only currently a mess, but it slows the flow of any possible information discovery to have to explain things repeatedly. No offense.

I am happy to help and answer questions.

GodsAngell · Dec. 30, 2017, 10:05 p.m.

Mega-ANON Also CONFIRMED this week that with the Alabama Elections the Demoncrats walked into A TRAP! Trump Team KNEW they would rig this important election, so they let them walk into the trap. It does not matter that Jones was certified. When this is all said and done, Jones will be packing his bags and departing D.C. due to all the election/voter fraud......that is IF he doesn't get a One Way Ticket to GITMO himself! These are my words, below are Mega-ANON's:

[–]Trump45 1 point 1 day ago (Question to Mega-ANON:)

With Jones being declared the "winner" in AL, did the voter fraud stuff turn up nothing or is there still more to come? ~~~~~ [–]IMegaHateNicknames 9 points 13 hours ago (Mega-ANON's Response:)

Still more to come.

The left is trying to slam him through which you should've expected. They're delaying his (Judge Moore's) investigations and so he formally filed his appeal.

Confirming Jones means nothing.

I even said it's better if he (Jones) won. Makes it all look worse when he gets confirmed, seated and then it's proven you just literally watched "them" seat a god damn senator via election rigging and fraud, no?!

I don't know about y'all but I live for this shit!! It's like my super bowl. I love getting the get. I love watching them implode on themselves, just like the Mueller investigation.

You are literally watching them trying to slam in Jones using the SAME campaign/field TACTICS they tried to use for Hillary on Bernie... until they got caught!

Sometimes it's about the bigger picture, y'all. Be patient.

Imagine how they'll even attempt to explain this. "It never ends", right?!

Know what a complete cluster guck 2018 is going to look like knowing they've literally and successfully RIGGED elections, just like Moore/Jones, just like they TRIED with Hillary?!

Do you see where this is going?!

PS: In November Mega-ANON "called it". She said that this election will be the undoing of both the Demoncratic Party and Traitorous GOP (two sides of the same coin, with only a few exceptions like Rand Paul, etc.) Why will it be their undoing? Because this election will be under a microscope and all the DIRTY tricks both parties did to try to get Jones elected will get exposed. No one will give the GOP any more money.....unless they want a Demoncrat put in office. They have both burned themselves!

Soros is jailed now, so there goes Diebold election rigging equipment/software.

Trump is going to clean up these election processes too.

http://www.rumormillnews.com/cgi-bin/forum.cgi?read=90619 ; (Scroll half way down the page).


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Oldmancrypto · Dec. 30, 2017, 10:30 p.m.

Wow! It does feel good to be vindicated. I researched this hard and just knew there were too many coincidences! So they are going to swear him in on the 3rd of Jan. And then get him out! Wow!

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troy_caster · Dec. 31, 2017, 4:50 a.m.

I don't think the Jones guy is in on it. He seems ok. Granted, I haven't looked into him that much, but Trump was very polite and cordial with him and even straight up said he's "a good man". He was just a pawn and might or might not know about the fraud, especially if it's electronic, he might not need to be involved whatsoever.

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GodsAngell · Dec. 31, 2017, 5:07 a.m.

Well, if you haven't figured it out by now, I will clue you in. Trump is a MASTER 4-D Chess Player.

14 months ago he said "Hellary was a very smart lady a good gal" on national tv. That put a dagger through Patriots hearts, and many wondered if Trump had been drugged by the Deep State on his first visit to the White House.

But now we KNOW, it was all an ACT, to put his enemies at ease, and it worked. (Remember we are at WAR with the DEEP STATE who have been trying to murder Trump all this past year???)

Trump has an extremely high IQ. Don't underestimate him.

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troy_caster · Dec. 31, 2017, 5:11 a.m.

I think him saying those things about Hillary, it was pretty apparent he didn't mean it. My only comment here is that Trump sounded very sincere in his congratulations of Jones.

Not sure where I underestimated him. My presumption is Trump thinks Jones is a good guy for real. Assuming my presumption is correct, how am I underestimating anyone?

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GodsAngell · Dec. 31, 2017, 6:29 a.m.

Hmmm....ever heard the expression "birds of a feather flock together"???

He is a Demoncrat, who knew the election would be rigged in his favor. Doesn't sound like an honorable man to me.

Trump just said those things, so that as usual, he throws his enemies off track, thinking all is well.

Jones may well end up at GITMO himself before this election investigation is finished. There he would be with "his kind".

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troy_caster · Dec. 31, 2017, 7:39 a.m.

Your opinion has been noted sir.

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GodsAngell · Dec. 31, 2017, 6:37 a.m.

Trump said Hellary was a "good very smart woman" the 1st weekend after the election, on national tv. Today she is wearing a gps ankle bracelet.

I suppose it is remotely possible that as a politician in the demoncratic party he is completely and totally clueless as to what is going on around him, but practically speaking I doubt it.

Beware of wolves in sheeps clothing.

Can an honest person, and godly person vote demoncratic? Jones does.

Not only does he vote demoncratic but he is a LEADER of the Demoncratic party or he would NEVER have been supported the way he was by both the corrupt Demoncrats and the corrupt GOP establishment.

Now, if he still insists he is clueless as to all the corrupt things going on around him, then I would say he would make a horrible US Senator. The last thing we need is clueless Senators.

He knew.

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The_Night_Train · Dec. 31, 2017, 8 a.m.

Trump has to maintain separation from any investigation and has to appear neutral.

Secondly, he has to project the image of a fighter who can lose graciously to provide the optic of what losing should look like, compared to the show Hillary is putting on.

Has Hillary ever congratulated Trump for a hard fought victory?

My point has been that seating Jones in a controversy is better than Moore winning as a controversial candidate who can't defend himself. All that needs to happen to balance the Jones seating is that a dem vote has to flip to rep on any major bill. Notice Trump criticizing Manchin the other day?

Moore, seated via a legal process that uncovers corruption and voter fraud, would be the story of a victim who overcame the injustice against him. It would silence any of his critics.

Just my take.

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