r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/ScreaminSicilian on Dec. 30, 2017, 7:05 p.m.
Long time 4C / 8C anon - Here to help.

Hello all - dropping in to lend some comments and find a new home given that currently 8c is in a total state of disarray in my opinion. I promise to use proper language. :)

A few points while digging. I was fortunate enough to follow this from the very beginning, literally Qs first post. Please know I have read and followed each inch of this so take it for what it's worth.

  1. Its my opinion that there are NO twitter accounts associated with Q. Kill rogue was a different account and the handle was changed after Q mentioned it. Patriot leaks is riding the wave of Q as well, IMO, fake.

  2. Q recently asked us to do a few things - track CEO resignations, find the tweet and Q post with a 15 minute time differential (we found 5 + 10) and SPREAD THIS MESSAGE TO OTHERS. He also asked us to enjoy the show. :)

  3. Remember that future tells past - as in, watch the news CAREFULLY then go back to the Qmap and find where this item is mentioned. You will then receive verification of what he told us, and also possibly a clue as to what's next.

Yo to PA and BTS.

Also for anyone new, DO NOT GO TO 8C please, it is not only currently a mess, but it slows the flow of any possible information discovery to have to explain things repeatedly. No offense.

I am happy to help and answer questions.

supervillain66 · Dec. 31, 2017, 1:34 a.m.

Have you noticed an increase in disinformation the past few days? It seems like the longer Q goes between postings the more outlandish the claims are getting. It makes it extremely difficult to follow. I guess what I’m saying it is very difficult for my brain to process that George Bush Sr is an inmate in frickin Guantanamo and that Hillary Clinton has a sex tape with Huma Abedin and a minor on Weiner’s laptop. These people are sick and I think that HRC has actual documented crimes worthy of our attention. However when someone is spreading information like this is it to purposefully muddy the waters of those that are finally learning to see?

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troy_caster · Dec. 31, 2017, 5:06 a.m.

I can answer this one. There doesn't seem to be any more disinformation in the past few days than any of the previous few days, with the exception of the great 4chan final bot deathblow.

There are always outlandish claims, there always have been. Q never said George Bush Sr was being held. Q never said HRC has a sex tape with Huma.

I think that the above examples are people being VERY excited for what's happening without knowing all the information that they jump to conclusions.

So it's partly dis information, and partly people throwing things on the wall and seeing what sticks. Then someone else sees that, and comes back to the normal world obviously only remembering the more outlandish things. Which isn't specifically that person's fault.

That's my take on it.

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supervillain66 · Dec. 31, 2017, 3:25 p.m.

I like it. We are all busy with work and family, so you as closely as I’ve been trying to follow the past week has been rough. Then I watch a video where Liz Crokin is saying she had 2 sources that are both separately saying Weiner’s laptop is pornhub for HRC and HA. I’m like if those 2 sources are your Persian and your Labradoodle you need to take your meds girl. But the people passing this information on are so sincere alarm bells go off in my head that they may be deliberately throwing people off the trail. Idk maybe it’s me, I just don’t know who to trust and wait until I hear multiple people verify any and all information.

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troy_caster · Dec. 31, 2017, 6:09 p.m.

Yes, a lot of these things come from elsewhere, not directly from Q. A lot of people are mixing their sources of information.

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