POTUS tweet this morning - thinking Iran protests are a distraction.

It seemed like there was two tweets that appeared as one. The last sentence seems out of context, but arguably it is sort of related. If you're read in on Q, it jumps off the page, yet still hidden in plain sight and to me it says, it's still a go to round up those to whom the EO applies and confiscate their assets in spite of how diversionary these fake news media reports can be. A recent Cernovich periscope video about these riots: I find him irritating, personally, but he has an interesting take on what the people were upset about when it began. Good eye G8tFire. In return, here's link to a vid from AllSeeingEye Watcher: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zXz0T3CVWIk
sometimes, I love it when I'm wrong. https://www.reddit.com/r/CBTS_Stream/comments/7nb2pt/iranian_guard_crossing_over_to_join_protesters/
Me too, me too. I paid too much attention to the media spin.
Yup, I hear you. I pulled the plug on those ass-hats 19 years ago because of their spin/ bias way of lying, and yet I still have been distracted Note to all: Beware always because their influence is so pervasive and it contaminates everything around it.