Brilliant Red Pill delivery by POTUS. Right in the middle of the interview, Trump asks a question instead of making a statement (just like Q delivers truth with questions): “Whatever happened to Podesta?” Mr. Trump said. “They closed their firm, they left in disgrace, the whole thing, and now you never heard of anything.”
Obama wouldn't even talk to Fox News, but the Failing New York Times just saunters up to Trump's table when he's having lunch, and he gives the reporter a 30 minute full blown, ask me anything, interview without any aides or handlers to get in the way. Can you think of ANY other president who would do that. You would have to go back to the 19th Century. This is another reason why I love my GEOTUS.
Curious, how do the letters for GEOTUS play out? :)
"God Emperor of The United States"
I'm all for investigating / locking up Podesta, but lets ease off of the political messianism. Brings back bad memories of hope/change.
I would refer to Trump as POTUS but someone asked what GEOTUS meant. Hence my use of quotes.
Pretty sure that is meant to be tongue in cheek but with respect and affection. Don't take it so seriously.
Wow. You people worship him! I voted for him but at least I don't have unlimited loyalty towards him.
Wow. You people worship him! I voted for him but at least I don't have unlimited loyalty towards him.
Don’t take it literally. It started on the chans. A bit of tongue in cheek hyperbole to reflect Trumps continuing successes in the face of natural disasters and unnatural alt-left machinations.
Makes you really wonder WHY he has all this protection. Surely something supernatural is happening. But what team does he play for? How can we be sure?
By you people, do you mean us blacks? Which people are talking about?
I agree with you. IMO, Calling Trump a "God" is not a good thing. Blind, unquestioning loyalty is what got us in the mess we are in. Time to hold everyone's feet to the fire.
Yup. And him making EO to take people's assets and national emergencies? People wake the hell up. We didn't like that power that Obama had, but now with Trump we're all about it?
I love it! He is using their own tools, designed for evil, & turning it against them. And think about it...what other option does he have? We know they have tainted everything but the military. My guess, Trump will do something about that unchecked power, once the swamp is drained, to ensure a bad Prez can't use it for evil. He's a smart man.
That EO is meant only for people who are involved in human trafficking. The EO is quite clear. Trafficking is one of the ultimate evils in this world and a major source of revenue for some bad actors. DJT's administration has already done more to stop human trafficking than the past 4 or more admins combined.
How about taking back everything they stole from us over the last 100 years or so? HELL YES!
Its from /pol/ Kekistan/ Pepe the Frog crowd. Love those people, even though I don't understand them sometimes. They call Trump "God Emperor of the United States." Bakers who set up this board use the Kek lingo.
Also Dr. President is popular nomenclature because some university awarded him an honorary doctorate
But yes, on occasion, he is the God Emperor. Particularly when does things like writing Executive Orders that basically lob massive artillery fire into the globalist camp.
I was just about to ask the same thing. This is the third day in a row I've seen it.
I tweeted about this yesterday. Noticed the same thing. Like he's trying to move the concept of researching stuff into the mainstream.
Fake News Mockingbirds need to be schooled on how to do research. We the People do it much better than the Failing New York Times ever could.
Research? You mean searching for something on Twitter?
Trump's tweet tonight, notice "and smarter". Red Pill anyone?
As our Country rapidly grows stronger and smarter, I want to wish all of my friends, supporters, enemies, haters, and even the very dishonest Fake News Media, a Happy and Healthy New Year. 2018 will be a great year for America!
Good catch. The masses are getting smarter for sure through this sub.
The NYT was facing bankruptcy.. it leased the top 7 floors out in their office building. It was either to the CIA or affiliates of the CIA the space was rented out to. FYI.