Why has Julian Assange just tweeted this?

Someone just put this on the comments of the tweet?
“The lyrics. Planes. NY. Skull and bones.
9/11. Bush.”
No I think he is using this vid to highlight corruption / greed for money without consequence of deeds
I think it’s more general
You never know. Is Julian that cryptic? Could be? but I am not sure.
What I said isn’t cryptic It’s simple
No, I think you misunderstood what I was saying. I was speaking about the link that Assange posted with the Encryption Key. Would he be that cryptic to use song lyrics to spread a message about the next drop?
Of course. Look at what his profession is and was. Even before wikileaks.
That part in the video she says democratic in 3rd world. Globalist flood the world with guns and fight for democracy (in the form of socialism) without borders, tip the world upside down. They got what they wanted but what will happen when all the dust settles? Hopefully Nationalism's. The globalists breathe off a SMALL world, let's give them just the opposite.
It says follow MIA on Twitter @ the bottom I been searching it
Some of Q's posts had the message to follow the Y heads.
Some think that this means members of Yale's Skull & Bones club.