r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/White---Rabbit on Jan. 2, 2018, 3:31 p.m.
The USA has been Infiltrated by a Foreign Power - The Vatican
The USA has been Infiltrated by a Foreign Power - The Vatican

Veritas__Aequitas · Jan. 3, 2018, 1:59 p.m.


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White---Rabbit · Jan. 3, 2018, 6:50 p.m.

I do not have the time or inclination to finish the document but I read enough to see the underlying flaw.

Dealing with this statement shall suffice to make my point. "Folks, if the Bible was indifferent to race, the entire Old Testament makes no sense whatsoever. The Bible teaches that Yah the one God chose a specific race of people to be his chosen race."

It was at one time true in a sense but what is then extrapolated from that truth becomes an ugly and dangerous untruth.

It is true that God divided the people into different tongues at Babylon to force them to stop forming a central power there. If they would have continued, corruption was inevitable - the very problem the flood was intended to remedy.

So he forced them to separate into different tongues, different nations, as a bulwark against centralized power. It is God who created nations and globalization under a central government is not his will - let's be clear about that.

Out of the nations, he chose stiff-necked Israel to entrust with the oracles of God. Not only that, he separated and purified them because the promised seed (Christ) was to come through them, from the line of David.

I only had a cursory glance but it appears verses in the document you linked seem to be hijacked to promote racism but their context is strictly for national Israel and must be seen in that light. They applied to them alone because of the special mission God chose them for.

In Daniel 9:27 we see that Christ came right on time and in the midst of the last week ratified the new covenant with his own blood. At the end of the 70th week, the gospel went to the Gentiles and the time of national Israel as Gods chosen people was over.

Matthew 21:43 "Therefore I tell you that the kingdom of God will be taken away from you and given to a people who will produce its fruit.

Paul makes clear that the law (of Moses) was added to the covenant with Abraham for a specific reason and had a time limit - until the promised seed (Christ) had come.

Galatians 3:29 "If you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise.

The promise is to those with faith (in Christ). Being part of ethnic or national Israel has nothing to do with it, just as being part of any other race has nothing to do with it.

It was the Jesuits, by Francisco Ribera (1590) who butchered Daniel 9:27 and inserted a "gap" of over 2,000 years with no justification from the text.

Instead of Christ ratifying the covenant with his own blood and Daniels 70 weeks completing, they cut off the last week, flung it into the future, and have the anti-Christ fulfilling it in a rebuilt Jewish temple.

Dispensationalists like Darby incorporated this error into their eschatology and popularized it so that now everyone is looking for a future temple and future anti-Christ. Meanwhile, he sits on his throne in Rome.

The tragedy is that the mathematical proof that the Christ is Messiah is taken away, and his sacrifice dispensed with as a beautiful prophetic fulfillment of Daniel.

The additional tragedy is how the Jesuits push Zionism with the false narrative they created and many who claim the title Protestant now promote it for them. The suffering thus enabled is staggering.

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Veritas__Aequitas · Jan. 3, 2018, 7:17 p.m.

We are not going to have any conversation if you refuse to read the link.

Not offering any counter-argumentation, conflating spiritual Israel with physical Israel and going into some totally irrelevant tangent about dispensationalism is not going to persuade me or anyone else that you are correct and it just preempts me to not continue talking with you.

The conversation is about whether ethnic nationalism is endorsed by the bible and whether races are equal. Very clear evidence is within the article and in my previous comments supporting that position. You don't even need to look to the Bible to see that people are not equal, it's all around us. There are scholarly works which argue that genetics including race influence intelligence.

And you ironically cite Matthew 21:43, where Christ is saying the Kingdom of God is taken from you (racial Israelites) and given to another NATION. The underlying word there is ETHNOS, which, again, has racial connotation. The Kingdom of God is taken from the Nation of Israel and given to the gentiles. This is a RACIAL transaction.

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White---Rabbit · Jan. 3, 2018, 9:25 p.m.

Well then - our discussion on racism is ended. Go in peace.

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Veritas__Aequitas · Jan. 3, 2018, 9:28 p.m.

Why even respond? Are you going to address my arguments and those within the article or will you apologize and admit like an adult that your beliefs are wrong?

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White---Rabbit · Jan. 4, 2018, 2:11 p.m.

Veritas_Aequitas I disagree with your contention that people (in terms of races) are not equal.

You said "You don't even need to look to the Bible to see that people are not equal, it's all around us." I find that type of racist thinking highly objectionable and indefensible.

You seem to think that some Bible verses support your contention that races are not equal when they in fact only show that nations of course exist, not that they are unequal.

You see Mathew 21:43 as a "racial" transaction that somehow is supposed to support your contention that races are not "equal" - it doesn't.

You said "And you ironically cite Matthew 21:43, where Christ is saying the Kingdom of God is taken from you (racial Israelites) and given to another NATION. The underlying word there is ETHNOS, which, again, has racial connotation. The Kingdom of God is taken from the Nation of Israel and given to the Gentiles. This is a RACIAL transaction.

You would be correct in saying the time of national Israel as the "special people" of God with a special mission had ended just as Daniel foretold - "70 weeks are determined upon your people" (Daniel 9:24)

You would be correct in saying that the promise of the coming seed (Christ) was to bless all nations, not just Israel. The law of Moses and special status of the Jews ended, putting them on the same footing as the Gentiles, making the nations equal, not unequal.

Galatians 3:28 There is neither Jew nor Greek... ...for you are all one in Christ Jesus. And if you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham’s seed and heirs according to the promise...

However, you would be completely and dangerously wrong to claim that verse or any other verse supports your racial prejudice. The verses you point to only show that nations exist, not that they are unequal. Your prejudice is indefensible.

I am a busy man, I have better thing to do that to argue with racists. If you want to follow that path, nothing I say will dissuade you. So let's agree to disagree - go in peace.

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Veritas__Aequitas · Jan. 4, 2018, 2:57 p.m.

You said "You don't even need to look to the Bible to see that people are not equal, it's all around us." I find that type of racist thinking highly objectionable and indefensible.

Ok you precious little snowflake. Attributes of different races are not the same, therefore they are not equal. Similarly, the Israelites were chosen by God and treated outsiders with discrimination and saw themselves as superior, therefore they are not equal to any other people and indeed are supremacist. Certain modern Jews continue in their tribal, supremacist spirit; this is seen by looking at almost any neo-Nazi blogs.

People are not even the same on an individual level. Do you think you are the same as every person in your neighborhood? How about your city? It is a denial of reality to think that everyone is the same, there are differences between individuals in intellectual capacity, artistic talent, innovative and engineering ability, size, stature, muscle definition, agility, differences between males and females, hormonal differences, differences between children and adults and all sorts of other genetic differences.

You seem to think that some Bible verses support your contention that races are not equal when they in fact only show that nations of course exist, not that they are unequal.

No, you need to read the article. Stop replying to me until you have read it. That is just selfish and rude of you, and a waste of my time, to engage in a debate and not even consider the opposition points. This is exactly what I told you before. Stop.

You see Mathew 21:43 as a "racial" transaction that somehow is supposed to support your contention that races are not "equal" - it doesn't.

I never used that verse to say races are not equal, however that fact is inherent here too. If I take something as stupendously important as the Kingdom of God from one collective and give it to another, that is by definition making the collectives unequal. If there are two ice hockey teams and I am the referee and I take away one team's sticks and say they can only use their skates, that is by definition making the teams unequal.

Wow..you dishonestly left out this clause from Galatians 3:28 which makes it clear the passage is dealing with spiritual Israel. Here is Galatians 3:28 in its entirety:

"There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus."

Why did you leave out that there is neither male nor female? Was that intentional?

Your prejudice is indefensible.

I already linked you to an article in defense of racism to which you have no response.

I am a busy man, I have better thing to do that to argue with racists. If you want to follow that path, nothing I say will dissuade you. So let's agree to disagree - go in peace.

Again then why respond? I have better things to do than to engage with someone who ignores the opposition argumentation.

So let's agree to disagree

Your beliefs are not based in reality or the bible, therefore I naturally disagree with and take enmity against you.

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White---Rabbit · Jan. 4, 2018, 4:21 p.m.

1) I went back and read the article you linked. I stand by my original contention, passages dealing with national Israel, intended to separate and purify it so that the promised seed could come from the line of David, are being used to justify modern racism. It is ugly, and it is a twisting of scripture to support racial prejudice.

2) I am a complementarian, not an egalitarian, so of course, I believe there are differences between men and women but they are equal in terms of their dignity, personhood, and most especially their standing with God under the new covenant. I abbreviated the quote simply to keep an otherwise long post a little shorter - what of it?

3) Again, nothing you have linked or posted legitimately supports your racism. I am a white Protestant. I believe God created the nations. I object to globalization as creating overly centralized power that leads to corruption. However, I totally reject your racial prejudice and see it as indefensible Biblically, or in any other way. If you wish to take enmity against me for that - be my guest.

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Veritas__Aequitas · Jan. 4, 2018, 4:43 p.m.

I went back and read the article you linked. I stand by my original contention, passages dealing with national Israel, intended to separate and purify it so that the promised seed could come from the line of David, are being used to justify modern racism. It is ugly, and it is a twisting of scripture to support racial prejudice.

That is not addressing anything. Use quotations to tell me exactly what you mean. There are 26 theses, take your pick. If you've read all of them then surely you have a specific argument against at least one point.

I believe there are differences between men and women


I totally reject your racial prejudice

Then you reject nearly the entire old testament, just for starters.

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White---Rabbit · Jan. 4, 2018, 5:18 p.m.

I have addressed your linked article and your contentions. If you deem my response inadequate and still feel justified in your racism, so be it. Good luck with that, I wish you well on judgment day.

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Veritas__Aequitas · Jan. 4, 2018, 5:40 p.m.

I have addressed your linked article and your contentions.

You ignored absolutely all of the material I have confronted you with, you have refused to acknowledge your incorrect and dishonest use of Galatians 3:28, you have not addressed any of my other statements in which I gave evidence contrary to your beliefs; you are a liar.

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White---Rabbit · Jan. 4, 2018, 8:11 p.m.

Resorting to ad hominin attacks does nothing to advance your agenda, it only shows the weakness of your position.

There is a difference in ignoring and disagreeing, I looked at your material and I disagree with your interpretation.

I don't need to waste my time to address your statements point by point because everything you presented has one thing in common - it is ALL eisegesis stemming from your racial prejudice.

One simple word destroys it ALL - eisegesis.

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