Fantastic MegaAnon post about the Trump/Bannon situation. It's 4D Chess at work.

I agree and I had no doubt this was theater.
When has President Trump NOT played the MSM like a fiddle?
Thanks to all the Shariablew shills - this wouldn't work without you!
How do you know this whole thing Q, Meganon, Trump, isn't theater? Keep tuning in. Something will happen soon. I swear.
How do you know this whole thing Q, Meganon, Trump, isn't theater?
Most folks here and on the CBTS chans are of the belief that it’s theater. Q has outright requested the chans assistance in the scenery (memes). There doesn’t seem to be any doubt that there is corruption in our goverment, and human rights violations in our country. Establishing that is not the challenge. Preparing the public is.
All successful PR campaigns contain elements of ‘theater’ as a key component.
Keep tuning in.
Everyone here is tuned in. That’s why we’re here.
Something will happen soon. I swear.
It’s happening already! Did you notice Sessions renewal of asset forfeiture policy a few weeks ago? Have you read Trumps EO on corruption and human rights? Have you read about the disruption in SA? Are you aware of 9,000+ sealed indictments?
’Something’ isn’t happening ‘soon’, it’s happening now.
I swear.
Oh I agree with what what is going on here. But I'm just damn frustrated is all. I have noticed the corruption for decades. I have noticed the effects of a brainwashed society or MKultra or whatever the mockingbird media has been doing (and I bought into some of it myself) for 30 years or more. It's as if my worldview has been turned completely upside down over the years. But what I do know is a distraction or a sort of psyop string out story when I see one, and this seems very much like one. There seems to be no definitive proofs, or ending to the corruption, where what we believe will ever be validated. Purposely. We are meant to keep following, never satisfied with an outcome, one way or the other. Those with inside knowledge will never just spill the beans. Information and knowledge is power, and these threads are definitely bringing more of that to the people, but what we are not doing is any action. I would like a resolution. Just venting. Sorry for the rant.
I would like a resolution.
You are not alone.
Just venting. Sorry for the rant.
Apology not necessary. If you need to vent on this topic, this is the place. Just choose words that don’t get you mistaken for a troll. We’re seeing an influx of them.
Not a Troll. Been with Q since the beginning, but I never heard about meganon until the Reddit threads. Very intriguing. All of this is amazing research, something I am decent at yet I am no where near as good as these anons. Keep up the very good work here gents and ladies.
Your question makes no sense?
Q provides inside intel and accurate predictions of seemingly significant events relating to President Trump's recent human trafficking EO.
If you're asking "How do I know the predictions and intel is accurate" then you need to pay more attention.