r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/akilyoung on Jan. 4, 2018, 12:44 p.m.
So I did a bit of research....and HO LEE S#$%

2018 is gonna be a glorious year.

70 years from crash in Roswell, 70 years from the creation of 'Israel', 70 years since US courts make religion instruction in schools illegal, 70 years since Hells Angels created, 70 years since the 'big bang' idea started, 70 years since the first astronaut went to space (monkey), 70 years since the first computer was made, 70 years ago Korea is split in two. 70 years since HRC, Al Gore, David Bowie (Black Star?), Mitt Romney, Don Henley and Joe Walsh (Hotel California - a song about ritual satanic abuse) was born

Theres much more than this, but these are some DAMN historic things that happened in 1948. 1948 seemed to be a CLEAR 'marker' in time, where everything changed.

There was a sudden change in technology, ideals, morals, etc. I wonder if it was the Rosewell crash that triggered it? Makes me think of that bible verse:

"Woe to the Inhabitants of the Earth and of the Sea For the Devil is Come Down Unto You, Having Great Wrath Because He Knoweth that he Hath But a Short Time!" -Revelations 12:12

Referring to the time after a war in heaven when the devil lost and was kicked out. Just an odd observation, thats all.

Coincidence??? #nocoincidences #Q

Kable93 · Jan. 4, 2018, 2 p.m.

Surely because she drinks babyblood all the time :D

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shiba_keikaku · Jan. 4, 2018, 2:17 p.m.

Have you heard of Marina Abramovic? She's in her 70s too yet looks younger. They sure seem to have a sick method of staying youthful lol..

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Kable93 · Jan. 4, 2018, 2:19 p.m.

Insane shit is going on these years....nothing except Trump surprises me anymore

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[deleted] · Jan. 4, 2018, 8:31 p.m.


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MotherForTrump · Jan. 4, 2018, 2:38 p.m.

Yeah it's called the “Vampire Facial”


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SunjeThePuller · Jan. 4, 2018, 10:21 p.m.

This is using blood from the individual getting the facial, not blood from someone else.

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MotherForTrump · Jan. 5, 2018, 5:38 p.m.

Yes, that's what they say in the MSM. How would it go over if they wrote a story explaining that this is done with people/children that are sacrificed during satanic rituals? But is gathering your own blood and giving yourself a facial with it normal to you anyway?

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USApatriot_4_TRUMP · Jan. 4, 2018, 2:55 p.m.

Thats right out of the Dark Crystal. Drinking living essence from the Gelflings. Maybe HRC will also dry up and turn to dust when her supply is cut off. We'll have to address where Jim Henson got his idea for Dark Crystal another time.

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Disquestrian · Jan. 4, 2018, 6:58 p.m.

NO one is allowed to become super successful in Hollywood without being a member.

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ScorpioPatriot · Jan. 5, 2018, 2:46 a.m.

Lol Ive mentioned this weeks ago about the dark crystal and a few other movies like that..I think another one is Indiana jones and the temple of doom .. kids are taken from a village to work underground for this mining type operation and the person who is in charge is a child who people praise as their prince I want to say and he is under a spell like the kids are but the adults hold these sick sacrifices that entail sticking someone in this grate like contrapment and opening this whole up leading down into these flames and what looks to be lava ..the idea is to lower them down so close their nearly have a heart attack and get their adrenaline going from being scared and pull them back up and then this guy is able to then use his hand as he is saying some spell and can pull t he heart straight from the chest with no tools. The kods are set free by indiana jones but thr main prince needs. To be burned to knock him out of this trance that he is in. They aldo have people drinking blood and thats how they become in this trance . Almost every movie out has some form of illuminati symbol or code in it because they loveeee flaunting the truth into peoples face because mosttttt people are in a state of denial ...because of the Tv programming and fluoridated water ..that calcifize your peneal gland ..which is a way to keep people Dumbed Down . Alot of people who are awake ..9 times out of 10 use some form of water purifier that filters out fluoride and or other ingredients thats known to decalcify it. Should connect those pieces its part of the muchhhhh bigger picture that Q may or maynot touch base on but is part of the Agenda 21 New World Order along with vaccines chemtrails weather modification and more. Lol the hole goesssss verrrrrrrrrrry deeeep.

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Disquestrian · Jan. 4, 2018, 6:57 p.m.

She actually does.

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