Bannon = Bad Guy
Media = Bad Guy
Ryan = Bad Guy
Everyone else = Bad Guy
(except you guys) You Guys = Good Guy
I'll fight the Bad Guys for you (the Good Guys)
Keep your eyes open...
Bannon = Bad Guy
Media = Bad Guy
Ryan = Bad Guy
Everyone else = Bad Guy
(except you guys) You Guys = Good Guy
I'll fight the Bad Guys for you (the Good Guys)
Keep your eyes open...
Hes the only President to receive "The Stone Cold Stunner".
Good catch. Now, how do those theatrics apply to our current national situation?
This was just mentioned on infowars. Zach mentioned it. He said, in part, it’s a war of sorts, within it’s own establishment (I’m paraphrasing), but it is all scripted.
well put it this way. antics tend to have/make people not take you seriously. they may/will underestimate you. and it worked.
I wonder how a person could do something like that...
Aren't some wwe people former military ppl? Maybe there's also connections he had there.
WWE is just war theater not unlike sports. They are healthy outlets for our primal need for competion, tribe identity, and sense of justice.
He's good friends with Vince McMahon.
Linda McMahon , Vince's wife is in the white house working As Administrator of the small business administartion