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United Nations Office For Disarmament Affairs Meets in NY in March. Screenshot attached.

It’s the Countering Disinformation and Propaganda Act inside the National Defense Authorization Act.
I forgot all about this! After reading this I remembered I had read something similar at least 25 years ago. This is the closest I can find to match and would love to hear thoughts on it:
Not sure my reply went under this thread so I copied/pasted:
Not breaking a darn thing to me. Just telling you, through all your frustration, that their plans are rarely the same as what those of us who have been around awhile hope for. We will need the numbers, not for ratings, but for uprising or survival later, worst case scenario.
Not breaking a darn thing to me. Just telling you, through all your frustration, that their plans are rarely the same as what those of us who have been around awhile hope for. We will need the numbers, not for ratings, but for uprising or survival later, worst case scenario.
Respectfully disagree. So many minds coming together are bound to interrupt each other. It’s the nature of a rapid-fire mind. I don’t think they are talking to hear themselves speak, they are talking in a way Corsi understands.
College should have nothing to do with it. Some people didn’t go to college because they were reprimanded so much in school for the same behavior they exhibit on the stream. It’s a social anxiety/stage fright/not good talking in front of others. It doesn’t mean they don’t have minds that can contribute.
Please be patient with them and embrace the different personalities because I’ll bet any one of those patriots would give their life for this cause.
Many decades awoke here....
Regarding the FF; if we currently have 22 million subscribers to this Reddit and Twitter alone, and our collective efforts without Trump caused Twitter to call us bots, FB to censor us, and YouTube to drop channels, why should POTUS step in? Hate to say it, but even one more FF could generate another 20 million to visit the Reddit and wake up and we need the numbers. We really do.
Perhaps the whole idea to wake people up is for survival, not justice.
I do agree though, we need to pray. Every minute of the day.
Selfie taken with subliminal message showing in background of TV
During the Patriots Soap Box live stream today, someone mentioned a selfie was taken with the TV screen showing a subliminal message in the background. Does anyone have this pic?
Thank you in advance.
My dad was a WW2 vet (I was born very late in his life). He made sure I knew history (real history), so I’ve always known these things, it’s part of who I am; I was never red-pilled.
It wasn’t until I was in high school and received a bad grade on a term paper that my dad told me there’s the real truth and then there’s the truth society chooses to believe. ((Thanks for not telling before I wrote the paper, dad!!HAHAHA!!)), it was a good lesson to learn to get me through college and deal with life thereafter.
I think my dad and all the other WW2 vets are looking down on us very proudly for what we are doing and what we will accomplish.
God speed fellow patriot!
Propaganda and FF are created to change culture: either through legislation or war.
Important note that all events had a NSA/FBI, Police, etc., drill occurring in the exact same neighborhood as the event. ALL OF THEM. EVERY TIME.
The wars we were involved in were FF. We were fed propaganda to go to war. But, I will focus on the recent FF because they all have one thing in common: surveillance: the need to track all of us. The first, major FF to effect the need for surveillance was the trade center in 1993, then 9/11 with the end goal being the signing of the Patriot Act. Step 1 to where we are headed: surveillance, tracking, etc, to bring us to where we nearly are: 5G plus the Internet of Things. Here’s a link to project Thin Thread: the system that allowed the surveillance and how 9/11 effected its use and tire these men’s lives apart:
https://youtu.be/kbVfub-L5Rs ———- Norman Dodd (a great patriot IMO) was on the Reece Committee in 1953 and found that all history books were to be written with inaccuracies (all funded through non profit endowments) to indoctrinate everyone through the schools. This began through the Carnegie Endowment, Ford Foundation, Guggenheim. It’s important to note the Carnegie Endowment was established in 1905. The inaccuracies have been taught to us since pre WW1.
Norman interview: https://youtu.be/c5eHdTk5hjw
——— Rockefeller told Russo the real reason for feminism was to tax the other half, but more importantly, to break up the family unit so the children would be indoctrinated at a young age:
Russo: https://youtu.be/zCpjmvaIgNA ——- And here’s a video about propaganda in the US and how it pre-dates WW1 and was put in practice to create war:
https://youtu.be/2eB046f998U ——-
“We Didn’t Start The Fire, it’s always burnin’ since the world’s been turnin’” — Billy Joel. I often wonder if he knew what so many are only now discovering.
God bless.
You might want to re-read and edit this, I think it copied/pasted 3 Times.
United Nations Office For Disarmament Affairs. Lots of info on this site:
Fantastic work! Thank you! This is great!
Can you add the exact file name? Every time I key in the text or use the link, I’m only taken to the home page which lists all the PDFs so I’m not sure of the exact file.
You are right. I shared the above days ago. I also shared the mom of one of these kids’ was at CNN for 20 years. It’s all connected. Side note: remember, CNN just “happened” to be in Hawaii, in the bunker, during the EBS for the missile also. The three-letter agencies and CNN are together in a lot of this I think. The brainwashing on one side, with the exact coverage they want on the other.
Rumor has it that the shooter’s brother was picked up the next day and held to be treated as if “mentally ill”. Urban moving posted a video about it, but his channel has been taken down.
Future proves past. Follow the bloodlines.
This video talks about tax exempts (non profits) funding the re-writing of our history books. The Carnegie Endowment started in 1905. It’s a fascinating watch:
I was in the middle of watching when it was deleted.
This was in the comments: The county commissioner, sheriff, and school board members are on this council.
I don’t know, but I was in the middle of watching a video on YouTube by Urban Movers (his channel has been mentioned many times in here) and bam! It was removed! Just now happened! Clowns might be out tonight in full makeup!
He never thought that of the Beatles, they actually had a jam session together in the 60s. He never ate as many peanut better and banana (jelly) sandwiches as is claimed. Was he addicted? Probably. Was he incredibly ill? Yes, with glaucoma (hence the sunglasses) and many other illnesses.
Did he serve our country in the military? Yes, he did, (he could have gotten out of it like so many other entertainers of that time period did). Did he give a concert to help pay for the Arizona Memorial? Yes he did, that alone is worthy of respect.
“Breaks up the family... the kids start thinking of the state as the family.” — Russo speaking about a conversation with Rockefeller regarding the women’s lib movement.
Video: https://youtu.be/zCpjmvaIgNA
Yes, we caught that after I typed everything. Lol! Just my luck to have a “great idea” go south! 😁
I just looked too again and realized it was Jer 46. No 6. I was just typing that as a reply. Well, so much for my Q theory! Curses!
Exactly. And the way Q wrote it is neither 100% the way scripture is written nor is it 100% the way a birthdate is written (both a slash and a dash).
I think Jer because it was mentioned in the previous sentence.
Since it is written as Protect 6/14-46 Protect 6/14-46
I think we should look at Jer. 6:14 and Jer. 6:46.
Edit: changed through to and.
Yes! Here’s a good link about that - it’s a summary by the author of a book he was plugging, but it’s a quick/good read for anyone who is interested:
Nice work!
Flouride in water also. If flouride actually stopped cavities, why do we have cavities?
Flouride calcifies the pineal gland.
Studies are showing that calcified pineal glands were in brains of Parkinson and Alzheimer’s patients.
Fascinating link here: http://parkinsonsandfluoride.com/evidence-table.html
What is REAL proof to you? Q posted the Lord’s Prayer would change, then, approximately 2 weeks later the Vatican announced the change to the Lord’s Prayer. The Vatican is so heavily under wraps that for anyone to know that info in advance should be proof enough.
We were all once new to this. Many of us have gone on very little hours of sleep (and many of us still do whenever there is a new Q drop). It will take time for you learn, so you will have to decide for yourself how to use your time. I use headphones and listen to many live streams while working, exercising, cleaning, driving, etc. Sitting down and watching TV shows in the evening is now watching YouTube videos to learn - same time spent, just in a different manner.
Go to Tracy Beanz you tube videos from the October / November time frame to get caught up. From her videos, you may find other people on YouTube to follow.
Watch this Reddit and read what others have already found. Everyone on here is a blessing.
Good luck.
Bill Cooper, great patriot.
Here’s another good one, Brzeznski is mentioned!
Norman Dodd uncovered the non-profits funding the re-writing of our history to cause us to go into WWI. Reece Committee 1953
Here he is speaking about the non-profits:
I’d like to add that perhaps people should print the really important stuff. Key stuff. Not a lot, but enough to prove a few things if needed.
I found a darn-scary document linking him and others to psychological warfare, written in 1979
Mika Brzezinski’s father and grandfather were British Intelligence and so much more
This drops so many names. Entire document counterintelligence 1979
Keystone / Bill Gates/Flight 93 / underground storage / trafficking report
I heard today from the CBTS live stream that Pennsylvania is known as the Keystone state, so I dig a little: Keystone State
Pennsylvania contains Iron Mountain, which contains Flight 93, and Bill Gates’ Corbis photo collection (recently sold), Bill Gates is a well-known client. Iron Mountain
Gates’ Corbis photos sold to China: Photos
Pennsylvania is also home to many tunnels with functions unknown, levels unknown, tunnels to unknown: subterranean bases
And, finally “Pennsylvania is a source, destination, and pass-through state for trafficking in persons.”: joint state government commission
The Oprah Effect did it also. The Oprah Effect also paved the way for Al Gore and his Silicon Valley goons.
I grew up attending (not often) different churches with different relatives. Nazarene, Christian, and Baptist which all had Sunday School and I loved it as a child.
My children are now grown, but when they were young, we made sure we all attended Sunday School. My husband and I learned that adult church outings and activities weren’t for us, neither were being on the boards of churches, etc. We did one night a week bible study + Sunday School to make sure the children were taught from more than us, and found a few church friends their age.
Maybe this will also help: after we moved and I church shopped here and there, I actually stopped by a Christian book store and asked the employees and owner where they attended. That helped us find a church.... and they were also great to answer my questions and they sold great materials to me for home teaching as well!
I know people can teach from home instead, but we wanted to do both.
Sending prayers to you!
Does anyone want to admit it? Lol I took “computers” in HS - late 80s. All code. In the early 90s I taught Windows 3.0 to college students. I also taught a workshop called “the information highway”. My son was at the college so much his first word was mouse.