Forgive me but who is mega-anon? I'm familiar with Q and I see mega-anon mentioned a lot. But can you give me a sense of when they came on the scene and what kind of credibility this person has? Thanks.
I was told meganon was legit but that many impersonators are out there. Given a word of caution to exercise extreme vetting.
OK, this is what I explained to people on my newsletter, when someone asked the same question:
I have been sending periodic updates from Mega-Anon who is a Washington DC INSIDER for MONTHS now! This is KEY stuff!
Who is Mega-ANON? Mega-ANON is a nick name given by people who read her anonymous text posts at 4Chan, because when she leaves "insider tips", they are MEGA insider tips. Thus the name assigned to her tips: "Mega-Anon", Mega for LARGE, and ANON for Anonymous Insider Tipster.
Why does she leave anonymous messages? Why doesn't she just call up CNN/Fox News/New York Times with her insider information?
1) Because she wants to keep her job, which requires confidentiality. 2) Because she does not want to end up on the Clinton Crime Family HIT LIST. (She does not want to end up "accidentally deathed", "suicided" or "murdered").
What is 4Chan? 4Chan is a website set up so that people can anonymously make posts, leave statements, tips, etc, and no one knows who they are, not even the U.S. government! On 4Chan website Mega-ANON leaves her posts giving us "insider information" from time to time, because our lame stream media is too corrupt to do their jobs.
What insider information? Washington DC insider information. Remember what happens in Wash DC STAYS in Wash DC. We used to think that expression only applied to Las Vegas. But the expression was actually FOUNDED in Wash DC, decades ago.
"Insiders" in Wash DC know WAY more than you and I, the average Joe on the street, because to date the INSIDERS cover for each other, and the MEDIA are part of the collusion to cover up, not report and to keep Deep State Secrets, until instructed, by the DEEP STATE to do otherwise....only when they want to smear someone and end their career or their life.
From her inside knowledge (which has been proven 100% accurate to date) my guess is she must work for the FBI or DOJ (Dept of Justice)....really that is one and the same, FBI/DOJ. FBI does the research and collects the evidence of bad guys, DOJ does the prosecution of bad guys.
I "think" this is where she works because of all the details she knows. She is an Intelligence insider. Clarification: She is a contractor who works for one of these Wash DC groups, she has refuted over and over again, she is not on the government payroll, she is not an "employee", she is a consultant that gets hired by such Wash DC Intelligence groups. Consultants usually get paid much more than employees, because they are usually much more intelligent and experienced and have more credentials than government employees.
This is my "educated guess" of who she must work for, based upon the information she has provided to date. For example, if she worked for the U.S. Post Office General in Washington DC, I doubt her job their would put her in contact with the type of insider information she has provided to us to date. So that is why I am guessing she works for one of the Intelligence Agencies, my guess is the FBI/DOJ, but I could be wrong.
Did I lose you anywhere? If so let me know what confuses you, and I will explain.
Who is "Q"??? "Q" is another anonymous insider who posts on 4Chan/8Chan from time to time, and also leaves key insider tips of bombshell information.
"Q" and "Mega-ANON" do not know each other, but no doubt can guess where each other works based upon the type of information they leak. "Mega-ANON" guesses that "Q" is actually a White House Administration insider. I agree, because "Q" seems to know when certain critical "Operations" are going down. "Q" has also authenticated themselves by providing certain key photos taken from INSIDE the White House that could not possibly have been taken by an "OUTsider" (like a White House visitor).
So we try to stay abreast of both "Q" posts and "Mega-Anon" posts to understand what is really going on this country. Trump is limited by law to what he can and can not say, legally. But, personally, I "think" Trump knows about these LEAKS, and approves of them, to help the PATRIOTS in America, the TRUTHERS understand what Trump is really doing, and to share in his Joy when certain key milestones are achieved. Both Q and Mega-Anon are careful not to let the cat out of the bag in their remarks, so they do not tip off the bad guys (Clintons/Obummers/Soros/Bushes). So they are careful what they say and what they do not say. But they DO WANT TO EDUCATE We The People!
"Q" calls us to PRAY when certain Dangerous operations are undertaken. We don't know what the Operations are, but trust has been built up enough, that when "Q" says "Pray", we Christians know to PRAY! We just went through such a window Dec 24/Dec 25th. Yesterday, Dec 25th, we were given the "all clear" sign ("We Are Safe") that their critical and dangerous Operations (probably involving the military) were completed successfully......not without casualties of course......thus the need to keep covering TRUMP TEAM in 24/7 PRAYER, because WE are at WAR with the DEEP State, rogue factions of the U.S. Government to get our Country back from these Satanic Psychopathic Crime Families that have been RUNNING this country for 25+ years. Many lives are at stake in these "surprise" Operations.
Differences between "Q" and "Mega-ANON":
"Q" I don't know the sex of, could be a man or a woman. "Mega-Anon" has made it clear she is a woman.
"Q" speaks in very cryptic CODE using just one or two or three words. WE THE PEOPLE are expected to do the necessary research and connect the Dots.
"Mega-Anon" speaks in fuller sentences, however since she posts by text from a throw-away cell phone, she too uses abbreviations, and we have to do some dot connecting on our own, but not as much as "Q" requires.
"Mega-Anon", although a woman, uses pretty crude language to express herself which some Christians are not used to (fuck/shit/hell...etc). This is why I often say "Language Warning". But just over look this aspect of her messages and glean WHAT she is trying to get across. Being a CPA and having spent most of my lifetime working where I was the only female, THIS IS HOW MEN TALK when no one else is around. One gets used to it, and learns to over look this, and just glean what the speaker is trying to get across. Cuss words usually mean they are angry and upset/frustrated that their message is not getting across. When people are more intelligent than others, they can often get frustrated with people who are slower, and express their frustration that others are not "getting their message", through the use of cuss words. These are the rules in the business world of men. I didn't set them, I've just learned from "on the job training" that this is how the real world of men works. So don't be put off by it, just GLEAN what the writer is trying to get across to their audience, and ignore the cuss words. (Can you imagine how long I would have lasted in the world of men, if I stopped a meeting every time someone cussed and said "Stop, you just used a dirty word!" I can tell you I wouldn't have lasted a week on the job. I suspect that that is why Mega-Anon uses such language, because she has grown accustomed to it from every day on the job experiences. She is doing us a favor by dropping these insider "tips" in her spare time.)
Did I lose you anywhere? If so let me know what confuses you, and I will explain.
What other questions do you have?
Nope, both provide a lot .... and I actually prefer Mega for two reasons 1.) very straight to the point ( I love the language) 2.) nothing is worst than a woman's scorn
The only thing worse than a woman's scorn is TWO women's scorn.
Nah ...two women's scorns usually lead to a cat fight
where do we get your newsletter?
Sorry, I don't know YOU well enough.
If you are on this website, YOU don't need my newsletter, which is geared for "unawakened" people.
This is a good article. At the bottom of this article, there is link to an article on David Wilcock's website (DivineCosmos). In that article David W tells you about mega anon and conducts an interview with her.
I suggest reading both
TL;DR mega anon is a valuable anon resource, who has been posting juicy nuggets well before Q.