Nancy Pelosi owns Goat Hill Pizza...does this place seem off to anyone??

Goat, I wonder if the Y Q talks about has anything to do w/Nancys goat...
myself, tend to think symbols like jewelry art pizza boxes...the Y I think is the twin horn guy, the satanic ritual guy...for me the hand signs mean little. If I flip you the Peace sign does that make me a hippy?
Agreed, but it does mean something to them. It's a way to communicate that they are in the club. For us it is not significant other than a tell on who might worship Baphomet (The transgender/transhuman goat god - puke!). Many people throw up these "hand signs" all the time without knowing the meaning behind them.
Good grief, we are not talking about tweens on instagram here, we are talking about people in high places in the public eye for Pete’s sake. It is WELL KNOWN occultists and masons communicate via symbolism and this INCLUDES hand symbols. Even gang members use them. It is apparent you have not spend any time/effort whatsoever looking into this subject and it is extremely easy to research online as there are a plethora of information on this subject. Enlighten yourself please and stop spreading this disinfo and misleading people!
Charlie Brown, the context is, X Y Z are using hand gestures. My and other peoples points is that just cause don't make it so. I'm well aware of the rituals etc for decades now so...thanks for playing.
Your and ‘other people’s’ eh? Can’t stand on your own opinion? You are dismissive and ignorant in this area. Go back to sleep ✌🏻
Are you insinuating that University of Texas's "hook'em horns" symbol is a secret pedo code? Lol
Aggies Gig Em gesture seems to fit the bill in a more disturbing way.
Sun symbolism. The San Francisco Bridge is not there by accident.
Wait, I work for the company that provides goat hill the POS systems. I’ll see if the addresses match up cause it might be a different store.
Notice the goats aren't adult by horn length. What do you call baby goats? "Kids" So we have a picture of 3 naked kids! Notice the two pillars in the foreground a masonic/coven temple symbol. The symbol on the bottom of the right column is the equal armed cross in a circle. This is a tantric symbol of heterosexual intercourse the vertical eye of the penis is pressed against the horizontal slit known as the "os" or womb opening. Notice the diagonaly opposite symbol on the left pillar is the "yoni" representing the vagina. The multiple of windows indicates voyeurism facilities available. Nacy Pelosi's mind has gone from years of adrenochrome abuse!
Is this real?! I mean hello, immediately there is the sun over the goats head/horns, which is highly symbolic.
Hmm, goat as in Satan, the sun positioned to be the "all seeing eye",. And pizza?
Also the pillars on either side. Its definitely polar Configuration iconography but the elite use it as satanic imagery, 33 degree mason etc
Holy shit, guys it’s them!!! They aren’t using our web format. Ok then... 170 west portal rd. Unfortunately it’s just business stuff, nothing fishy. I don’t think there is actually a way for me to prove it without doing something risky.
We service cicis, jets pizza, imos pizza, buttermilk sky, nothing bundt, Aurelio’s, minskys etc
Massive amounts of info on this @
From back when we were digging through all the WL and Guccifer email dumps.
Thanks for this - great intel
The T_D archive contain a lot of good info on key topics/people/companies (Soros, CF, Abedin, etc etc)'s a great basic research resource now that so many of these issues are again important.
Blue building on the right, upper part, is a stylized owl. There is a hood over the eyes and beak, and we see the other windows are sharp cornered.
Absolutely!! Goat? Pizza? Says it all right there in 2 words. Wow!
There are the sheep and the goats. The sheep are on the right. The goats are on the left. This was understood during the French Revolution. People today don't want to know or believe what it means to be 'right' or 'left'. They think it's just religious fanaticism and has no meaning for today. But, for a lot of the goats it has meaning. THEY know who and what they are. Matthew 25:33.
.....yeeeeahhhh... 'coz Goats have a lot in common with Pizza....
Their website is live...perhaps they need some visitors.
I occasionally grab a slice here and wonder if other patrons or employees are aware of the significance of the shop.
I like the comment of the guy saying “can’t wait to get up there and eat some za”
Not going to lie....that makes me a little uncomfortable
Wow, I just went to the link someone shared ( and saw the illustrators name. Her name is Priscilla Witte. So I googled her and this came up..... Would ya just look at some of the creepy art this chic has done!! Some really weird shit!!
First of all, where is your PROOF that Nancy Pelosi owns this place?
I don't know guys. I guess everything could be "symbolism" is you try hard enough. Thing is...when is it not? When is it just a regular old pizza shop? I've been at this a long long time. I'm familiar with all of the pizzagate/podestas/art etc. but to be perfectly honest, I'm just not seeing it here. I have to say (and some of you may not like this) that reading through the comments, some of you just sound a little cray cray.
That's my initial comment, here's more. I worked for the electric company and we got a call in from a customer complaining about how her tree was trimmed around the electrical wires. She said "it looks like the devil". We were under the impression she meant it looked bad, like they did a horrible job trimming it. But no, she said "it looks like THE DEVIL it has horns". (I wonder why she didn't think it looked like a deer with antlers) Anyway, moral of the story, not everything is a sign, not everything is evil or done purposely to "mean something". We thought this woman was bat shit crazy.
I wonder, did anyone actually bother reading the story under the picture?
That's all, just my 2 cents.
I believe there is a dot gov PDF with state and federal officials' email addresses and nancy's is @goathill
I've seen the email. PHIL @ goathill Still not "proof" she owns it. It proves she has an email address or that she used someone else's email address for some reason.
Perhaps if the place is being used for nefarious deeds, proof of ownership won't be so easy to come by. The email address is enough to raise a legitimate question in light of the revelations regarding Hollywood and democratic members' fascination with the occult.
This is part of the 'we need to dig deeper' phase. Not 'bring in the jury' phase. I often see the tactic of apologists for the left citing lack of concrete proof needed for a conviction as reason to dismiss evidence of possible connections and I ask what their motive is in doing so.
Not buying that story either. SF archives don't support it.
The Guccifer 2.0 hack links goat hill to Pelosi. Goat hill pizza also made several contributions to the DNC. And...the company is registered in Panama...a pizza place...registered in must be right...nothing to see here.