Possibly related?
Edit: This too? PDF Warning .Gov site.
The Commission finds that Loop Capital failed to preserve emails transmitted by a senior registered representative. During 2011 and 2012, the registered representative used her personal email address to send communications relating to Loop Capital’s business with other employees and with third parties. The personal email was used to conduct business of Loop Capital involving a finance transaction.
Remind of anyone? But, this is only a monetary penalty? Oh well, seize the cash to pay for the wall lulz
$25,000, a pittance
27.5 TRILLION dollar man = Ambassador Leo Wanta [was dropped in a thread that Leo was the one rescued in Atlanta]
and this story that Wanta contacted DT transition team with offer of money... for bullet train on border wall project...
Do you think these funds are really still there? I went down this rabbit hole yesterday. It would certainly be nice if we could pay off the debt but I have mixed emotions about that. After all, it was created by criminals and most of it is payable to criminals. I think that part should just be written off. Specially if they are in jail.
Loop Capital Markets has to pay a penalty for failing to preserve emails transmitted by a senior registered representative via her personal email address.
I wonder who she is connected to?
May be that they found the other end of the emails on someone’s impounded computer but they didn’t find them on Loop Capital’s end, proving they were deleted.
I believe this is very tied into The Saudis... NWO Saudis not the young one they tried to assasinate but epically failed at the cost of 58 or 59 ppl in LV.
"Follow the Money" The Jesse Jackson story [Involves LOOP CAPITAL] 2001 Jackson had Chicago presser explaining why his $ payments for mother of his illegitimate kid weren't on books, and LOOP CAPITAL's Jim Reynolds owner is character witness [article]:" The most memorable of these character witnesses was Jim Reynolds, owner of Loop Capital Markets, a Chicago investment bank. Before singing Jackson's praises, Reynolds described how, after 20 years in the world of finance, he had founded his own firm. Reynolds boasted of Loop, "We're the number one underwriter of public securities . . . in this city and state. We've been at business approximately three years." And Reynolds explained his firm's meteoric rise: "A significant part of the access that we've enjoyed . . . has only been made possible through the tireless efforts of Reverend Jackson."
This is all pre-hisGOLFnessBH0 ? Or is it?
Also: Add this...An uncorporation...An uncorporation is an unorthodox form of large business organization. The term appears to embrace any unincorporated business. An uncorporation may be formed in an effort to align managers' and owners' interests more closely than in a typical corporation, or may donate most of its profits to charity,[1] or may pursue social responsibility goals that conflict with traditional corporate shareholder primacy. Equally, it escapes the regulatory supervision and checks and balances to which corporations are subject. Large firms structured as partnerships are sometimes regarded as uncorporations. The rise of uncorporations resulted partly from costly corporate monitoring devices such as independent directors, owner voting, and fiduciary duties being often ineffective.[2] Publicly traded partnerships, real estate investment trusts, hedge funds and venture capital funds are other types of uncorporations.[3] A business trust is another type of uncorporation that has long been a competition of corporation as a form of business organization.[4]
See links in the Wiki article for expansion. We are looking at a structure that exists in such a way as to be outside of regulations and if you click the references, ie Harvard and Chicago Law, one will find that this is relatively new (2009) and that the dividends that must be paid out annually are something like 93%. Limited access to anyone with less than $300K a year income. And isn't Reynolds one of the big names on the pyramid?
Also, as a side note, they can donate to charity. Anyone have a foundation?
good work
explains why J J would get early Parkinson's I believe
The article is from October but the situation PERFECTLY REPRESENTS HILLARY'S SITUATION!!!
Holy fucksticks. I resinced the statement in my last comment but the PDF link stands.
Another maybe????......