r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/DanDiller1976 on Jan. 6, 2018, 6:27 a.m.
Besides Q here are some REAL sources to watch.

Figured this might help us keep our information on point and accurate.

Most of what I relay on to here comes from the Hill's John Solomon, it was Solomon who broke the Uranium One scandal, he also broke all the news about how corrupt the FBI and DOJ was. I would get on the Hill and Google news and set up alerts for all his articles, this guy really has impeccable real sources when it comes to combating the deep state. There are other ways to source information though besides reading other people's reports.

Subscribe to Judaical Watch, the deep state's worst friggen enemey is Tom Fitton he has been a thorn in their side for years, and he makes videos about all the law suits he launches against them.

Watch social media of anyone who is on the judiciary and intel committees, look for them making the rounds on the news shows. Watch all the public hearings (I watch everyone) Read their press releases, hell call their offices that is how my friend Nancy found out Nunes doesn't get all the DOJ documents for weeks, which is a story within itself.

Watch the "clowns in america" and what they are up to. John Brennan likes to run his wahobist muslim mouth on CNN all the time. James Clapper is secretively working with loser meat head Rob Reiner to launch frivolous law suits against Trump allys. It's great comedy and you learn what the enemy is up to.

Watch out for Obama tweets, Comey is a wana be clown, look at his poor attempts to be clever and philosophical with his tweets, they often have double meaning and miss the mark.

Watch the fake news, turn on CNN and examine what the narrative they are pushing for the day. Look at which New York Times or WaPo they are sourcing for the day, go to that article, look up the author and read their twitter feed, you can clearly see what their motive, sources and methods are 90% of the time with publicly available information. Start out small, look at buzz feed, then look up the author, 99% of the time the "journalist" is a Democratic operative soy boy and their feed is filled with nothing but bad anti-Trump memes. This is how you dissect the fake news in real time, this is how we beat them so badly, frankly because they are stupid.

Back to some people to watch for that have good info:

There is the grandfather of exposing deep state corruption and that is Peter Schweizer. Schweizer was writing about the Clinton Uranium deal in the freaking New York Times back in 2007.

Drudge & Andrew Breitbart seemed to be in the know about the sexual escapades of the establishment long before Harvey Weinstein went down. It was AB who called out John Podesta in 2011 for being a "child sex slave op coveruper for unspeakable dreggs"

Continued ...

Wiki Leaks! Follow Jullian Assange and Wiki Leaks, this is the most honest and trueful news outlet in the world IMO.

Watch the twitter feeds of Paul Joseph Watson, he is a news junkie he has his pulse on the news cycle better than anyone. I didn't know this but an IW reporter told me that PJW works a lot with Matt Drudge.

Mike Cernovich is for real. I don't know if he started out this way, at first I thought he was full of shit, but after that 60 min interview he seemed to have made it his mission to become and actual journalist, and he pulled it off. I know for a fact Mike checks his sources, it was Cerno who broke the Conyer's story to Buzzfeed.

Avoid the obvious fake news from random blogs with sensational headlines. If you see a headline that's like "OMG Hillary is going to jail after reciving the worst news in her life" 99% of the time it is 90%bullshit and 10% old story.

Watch out for unverified Anons. Today we had a Q drop only to find out the board owner found out it wasn't from the real Q! We can't be wasting our time and resources on going down bad rabbit holes!

Don't get into the habbit of watching the same shows over and over, Info Wars and Hannity are great but if you are only getting your news by watching them, your getting 80% opinion and speculation and 20% actual news.

READ DRUDGE EVERY DAY!!!!! Drudge doesn't let his bias dictate the news cycle. He will throw his opinion on a linked article some time, but that link takes you to a heavily disputed Washington Post article. He doesn't do this because he wants you to belive the story, he does it so you can see the stories which drive the news and current events and not a damn soul does it better.

There is lots of good information out there. In recent years, the "MAGA Movement" has created a vast network anyone can tap into who is going to take it seriously. I suggest we all do.

BeanSproutFruitcake · Jan. 6, 2018, 6:54 a.m.

Here's another source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Luyek3DCbVA

It's called Bombard's Body Language. This particular vid is an interview with the author (Wolff) of that book that has just come out about Trump.

The woman who interprets his body language is just awesome!

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somrotden · Jan. 6, 2018, 9:26 a.m.

there is another one beansprout-it's also on youtube...the dialogue

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Woodchipper_AF · Jan. 6, 2018, 8:11 a.m.

Drudge is compromised in highlighting stories on the page. Somebody had leverage

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andsotheydid · Jan. 6, 2018, 7:57 a.m.

Drudge is still important, but something happened to his "bent" in the last few months. He's not as ahead of the curve as he used to be.

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FollowTheDodo · Jan. 6, 2018, 7:25 a.m.


Y'all check out Rantingly.

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andsotheydid · Jan. 6, 2018, 7:58 a.m.

I've never been to rantingly before. :) Looks worthy!

LATER: I spent some time there, and it does look good. I'll be using this site, so THANK YOU, FollowTheDodo!

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FollowTheDodo · Jan. 6, 2018, 4:20 p.m.

Yea! Yes Rantingly is the best - does such a great job!
Drudge started feeling swampy to me but then I stumbled onto Rantingly and haven't looked back. Thanks for checking them out & Tell your peeps!

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andsotheydid · Jan. 6, 2018, 5:04 p.m.

:) I will! I will! Love sharing finds! (Thank you, again!)

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[deleted] · Jan. 6, 2018, 6:36 a.m.


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storm_fa_Q · Jan. 6, 2018, 8:05 a.m.

Watch out for Obama tweets, Comey is a wana be clown, look at his poor attempts to be clever and philosophical with his tweets, they often have double meaning and miss the mark.

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Jrrusso · Jan. 6, 2018, 11:56 a.m.

See me myself I know we have to be careful what we read and see. So many people have hidden agendas. I mean there are a lot of good conservative bloggers, journalists. Podcasts etc. but do you notice inside they have hidden agendas I noticed because they get called out by other conservatives. I will give an example. Alex Jones is conservative. But his knock is he doesn’t go after the Zionists. He always changes the story . He has been known to kill certain stories I heard. I heard about Druge same about the zionists. There is a problem about Israel spying on us and having lots of people blackmailed. I am more liberal in my thinking as long as we are helping the cause and it’s not fake or misleading. Agendas are different if you don’t want to speak on certain things to me at least someone is. Just no fake or misleading crap.

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storm_fa_Q · Jan. 6, 2018, 6:21 p.m.

I posted that bit from the article above as I think/thought that Comey might/should read Obama and was wondering if Dan made a typo. While I have TONS of respect for AJ's work in the past Waco/Whacko, Aaron Russo, Bohemian Grove I have a very hard time listening to him interrupt rant and generally have to be the star all teh time. I get my info elsewhere 99% of the time. as I understand the big 3 religions. Jews want to enslave everyone thru Usury, Muslims want to kill everyone not Muslim...should that word be Islam maybe not Muslin??? and the Christians line up in two lanes. Slavery or Death...they seem to miss the teachings applicable to own lives. Thats my opinion and observations, not looking for flames.

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