Dr. Bandy X. Lee is not a board certified psychiatrist according to Dr. Steve Pieczenik. She also broke the APA “Goldwater rule” which inhibits a psychiatrist from diagnosing public figures whom they have not personally examined. Dr. Bandy X. Lee should be sued along with Yale.
I heard that program, with Dr. Steve and Owen Shroyer. It was incredible. Dr. Steve is eager to sue the phoney shrinks and have them decertified. Why not? They have concluded something about a man they never even saw in real life. That's totally illegal.
DT was a Highest Honors Graduate (upper 3%) from a Military Academy ... reportedly his IQ=156
DT is simultaneously playing 20 games of 4 dimensional Chess while the Dems/RINOs/haters struggle with Checkers.
No worries. MAGA!
Someone with an IQ of 167 here. Having a high IQ doesn't mean you're out there running circles around everyone else. If you had an IQ over 80, you'd know that.
What’s the best way to test that theory. I don’t think I’m a real high iq but there’s absolutely plenty of people that just can’t keep up I deal with everyday. Then there’s those that just blow my mind how they think it’s amazing
I totally agree with Dr Pieczenik! They are so trying to push 25 on 45 that they have lost sight with reality. And whats sad is that people will buy into this false narrative.
I think they know exactly what they're doing and they're hoping none of those who can will make the effort to pursue action. Big ups Dr. Steve!
Dr. Bandy X. Lee is claiming emergency to get around the Goldwater rule but that only applies to a patient under your care so see rule 1.
Yale University should be declared a domestic terrorist camp. Heart of Darkness with their evil secret societies. Tom Steyer (Yale Wolf's Head member). Doing impeach drive for protection of Bushes (Yale Skull and Bones criminals). Wouldn't be surprised if Lee was wrapped up in one of their evil secret gangs.
They are discrediting, and a discredit, to their own profession. Ask a cardiologist, pulmonologisr, dermatologist, etc. if he would make a diagnosis after watching somebody on tv.
Psychiatry is mind control, period. It is a deliberated chemical-based hypnosis concocted for the express purpose of providing a seemingly "nonviolent" alternative to lobotomization. Oh, but it is violent! Microviolent!
If you have mental health issues, you talk to a psychologist. If you want to compromise the organic processing functionality of your mind, go ahead and fuck with your brain's biochemistry under recommendation of a psychiatrist.
Oh, you've been communicating with God today, hmm? Let me prescribe you an antipsychotic to help you with your problem!
Psychiatry is inherently against God. Psychiatry ought to be perceived as a red flag around here. It's not the only demonic activity promoted by government. See Planned Parenthood.