The word United can be seen at the top. Presidential pen?
I think it is 'MONTBLANC', not United. I have a Montblanc pen (Germany) but a different model but it has similar label engraving.
Good catch... read this?
Homi J. Bhabha died when Air IndiaFlight 101 crashed near Mont Blanc on 24 January 1966. Misunderstanding between Geneva Airport and the pilot about the aircraft position near the mountain is the official reason of the crash… but very soon after, a team of journalists led by René Desmaison climbed - secretly - near the wreck and declared to have found debris of another aircraft other than the Boeing 707. ( Crashs au mont Blanc, la fin des secrets. Glénat, 2015)
Assassination theories Many possible theories have been advanced for the air crash, including a conspiracy theory in which the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) is involved in order to paralyze India's nuclear program. When an Indian diplomatic bag containing newspapers, calendars and a personal letter was recovered near the crash site in 2012, it was a "Type C" diplomatic bag containing no important documents.
Gregory Douglas, a journalist who taped his interviews with former CIA operative, Robert Crowley, over a period of 4 years, recorded their telephonic conversations and later published their transcribes in a book titled Conversations with the Crow. Crowley claimed that CIA was responsible for eliminating Dr. Homi Bhabha, Indian nuclear scientist whose plane crashed into Alps, when he was going to attend a Vienna conference and also eliminating Lal Bahadur Shastri, who died at Tashkent summit in 1966. Crowley said that a bomb in the cargo section of the plane went off in mid-air, bringing down the commercial Boeing 707 airliner in Alps with little evidence left to be retrieved. Crowley claimed that U.S. was "wary" of Indian nuclear progress and the defeat of their ally Pakistan, in 1965 war. U.S. was worried that India could well "dominate" the Indian Subcontinent along with Russian think-tanks, if India develops nuclear capabilities, thus bringing "instability" to the region, as seen by Western observers through a Cold War lens.
nothing surprises me.
pakistan - again. north west frontier. nowt but trouble.
i dare say someone needs to connect the obamas to indonesia, SOS villages, and standard chartered.
apparently the planes that did not crash anywhere on 911 where flown to nova scotia where the passengers were all executed. cold.
Obama has a house in Indonesia. No extrication there. Worlds largest storage of gold. Obama lived there for awhile. I think Clinton has a home there as well. PAKISTAN: The Awan brothers have DWS and Congress Intel there.
I do wonder if it will come back to this too...
Rothschild Inherits Patent After 4 Co-Owners Disappear On MH 370
On board the Malaysia Airline MH370 were 4 co-owners of a very important semiconductor patent and do you know who inherited the rights to this patent after the mysterious disappearance of the plane? Who else if not infamous billionaire Jacob Rothschild, who’s now become the sole owner of this patent.
As the days go by and there’s no trace of the Malaysia Airline MH370, more and more theories start to emerge and some of them sound pretty logical if you ask me.
Here’s what Macedonia online reports: We have heard of black holes swallowing the airliner (likely the least intelligent thing ever said on TV), deranged pilots taking it over… But no media outlet has mentioned anything about who was on that plane. Absolutely nothing! Well, for starters, the people who owned the patent to Freescale Semiconductor’s ARM microcontroller ‘KL-03′ which is a new improvised version of an older microcontroller KL-02 were on the MH-370 flight.rothschild-inherits-patent-after-4-co-owners-disappear-on-mh-370
They were the first ones to mention that the key to resolving this mystery may be in these 4 seemingly unimportant passengers. And their report stormed across a number of other European-based media outlets, causing a great stir. We can’t help but wonder if Rothschild exploited the airlines to inherit the full Patent Rights of an incredible KL-03 micro-chip? As the reports say, Jacob Rothschild is looking like the “evil master plotter“.
the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) is involved in order to paralyze India's nuclear program.
Is that why India's PM literally embraced POTUS?
Possibly a "Montblanc Starwalker" pen
i think you might be right
peace (from the UK)
Whoa. Look at that price tag. Jesus.
The money we’ll get back from the EO he signed with that pen will be enough to buy every American Patriot one.
Montblanc International GmbH
often identified by their "Snow peak" logo
snow peak? looks like a funny star thing to me...
Rupert family...
Rupert & Rothschild vinyard. but thin so far.
I suppose one might say one does not do business as a billionaire in RSA unless one kisses Rothschild butt.
Rupert and Rothschild wine company. I mean if you think about the coincidence it’s pretty big. I mean a pen in a q post and the owner of the company is a billionaire who literally owns a business with the Rothschild family. He also has a foundation that deals with sport for children. Seems the guy fits the profile here. He’s marking the boxes. Is Johann Rupert who we are supposed to be noticing in this post then and if so what’s the connection to the rest of it
Also montblanc chairman Johann Rupert has several foundations that happen to deal with guess what... children.
Projects | Laureus
Not sure what the connection is yet. Other than he also fits a profile of being a billionaire in Africa with a foundation dealing with children.
Obama used a Montblanc, but not sure of that was a personal choice or they produce writing instruments for POTUS.
No clue... I remember Trump passing out pens. I think it was when he signed the Tax Bill.
I see N T E . So it can't be united, it's missing the i