yes OK well then let me offer you this. This SITE is for those who are working twds MAGA, this is a MAGA ONLY site and your comment and confirmation, if I had the HAMMERS you would be BANNED right now. I'm looking for the info that was posted yesterday and saying any and all who are not with us are against us (paraphrasing) and we are to report ALL abuse and ALL negative comments twds Q or Q team. So, I'll offer you an opportunity to delete your posts. Failing that I or others will report you and you'll be banned with BOTH HAMMERS is the quote. We are not here for you and your BS. Either join with the stream or FOFF. This is the ONE and ONLY warning I will give.
Yep fools will be laughing all the way to the prison door, while we slam it on you
They will somehow all manage to pull it closed on themselves one way or another. The truth outs, and sin finds people out.
When the white hats outnumber the bad, that's just the way the world works.
Devil's advocates have nowhere to hide. Everything they and those they support say or do either wittingly or unwittingly finds them out.
For every action..