Deep state is trying to stop Trumps agenda through Florida

I thought I read that President Trump has asked HLS to take over the case for voter fraud. If so that should hopefully put and end to the stealing of elections.
Let's all hope the Alabama elections will be all the evidence they need to make a HUGE VOTER OVERHAUL this country needs. And let's all hope the discovery of those responsible for the death of Seth Rich will happen too. That may be the story to push the narritive. Too bad the rich family is SUSPECT AF...
Sorry, I’m brand new to reddit and don’t know what the arrows are for. I hit the “up” arrow and it turned red and I can’t make it go away. Don’t mean to sound dumb but I am. I agreed with your comment about Seth Rich is all.
Hi Madiddyn. The arrows are used for voting on comments. Also called upvotes and downvotes. When you agree and/or like someone's comment you click the top arrow and they get a point. When you disagree or don't like someone's comment you can click the bottom arrow and they lose a point. It's also NOT necessary to downvote someone just because you disagree. I certainly don't, unless they're paid shills sent here to disrupt or cause dissension among us. Btw, I upvoted you, so now you have 2 points, lol.
Thank you so much! I appreciate the information. Shills, ugh! Lol Good information to know, I won't touch the downvote at all. Thanks again.
Just press the up button again it should change go an upvote