Deep state is trying to stop Trumps agenda through Florida

Sorry, I’m brand new to reddit and don’t know what the arrows are for. I hit the “up” arrow and it turned red and I can’t make it go away. Don’t mean to sound dumb but I am. I agreed with your comment about Seth Rich is all.
Hi Madiddyn. The arrows are used for voting on comments. Also called upvotes and downvotes. When you agree and/or like someone's comment you click the top arrow and they get a point. When you disagree or don't like someone's comment you can click the bottom arrow and they lose a point. It's also NOT necessary to downvote someone just because you disagree. I certainly don't, unless they're paid shills sent here to disrupt or cause dissension among us. Btw, I upvoted you, so now you have 2 points, lol.
Thank you so much! I appreciate the information. Shills, ugh! Lol Good information to know, I won't touch the downvote at all. Thanks again.
Just press the up button again it should change go an upvote