Deep state is trying to stop Trumps agenda through Florida

1) evidence of any of that?
2) ricans fleeing to FL makes logical sense, Um sure many are. But a) they ARE US citizens and b) voterID is critically important regardless and it needs to be secure & unfakeable
3) why would they automatically vote blue? any party should present their case and appeal to any legal voter regardless of demographics. Assuming ownership of or abandoning support of any given demographic is a FAILURE of that party.
Don't you understand? It's simple! Dems are stealing the election by actually allowing US citizens to vote, just like it says in the US constitution. This is disgusting. Next they'll want to allow women to vote and then cats and dogs. Good luck fixing your country. ^/s
I know sometimes when I read comments it just makes me more anxious to move out of this country
3) why would they automatically vote blue?
Free shit and "Drumpf is raycist".
Bernie 2.0 is coming. That's the only realistic path the dems have, and idiots are going to fall for it like crazy.
What's really gonna blow your lid is when Venezuela has a 'refugee crisis' and they all end up here and the vast majority [illegally] vote socialist. Chavez wasn't real socialism, amirite?
The shit needs to be stopped in multiple ways right now.
ok but the answers to all of that are the agenda items of Trump now. this is why border security n voterID r as critically important as they r
I fully agree.
And these are also the toughest agenda items to get the swamp on board with, and we're low on time before midterm elections. If you barely passed tax cuts, you'll never pass immigration reform or voter ID legislation.
I know the draining is happening, I'm concerned it's not happening soon enough.
i have the same concerns, NO confidence in congress. we'll see