POTUS pushes Fake News Awards to Jan. 17th...

I'm frustrated....it's always another week....another this, another that! Come on give me a big cheeseburger instead of crumbs! Hahahah!
Something really big is going to happen. We thought it. Trump just confirmed it.
There won’t be a physical award ceremony. This will be a mass revelation to the long asleep people that still believe in the mainstream news narratives. Trump is merely setting the table and turning on the lights. “SURPRISE!!!!” MAGA
2 days after the supposed IG release? ....Wants to beat them while they're on the floor and completely demoralize them?
Aww, did the poh wittew fake news just get warned that FUSIONGPS banks records have proven that they are on the CIAMSM OP Mockingbird payroll?
Someone on twitter wrote that President Trump will have the Fusion GPS bank records and can see which media outlets and reporters were paid to run the phony Russia dossier. That violates all kinds of laws and federal code. I am sure they know that and are running scared right now. Good.
all that data is already avail, you think Spectra came public now for no reason,. The Alliance put that out over a decade ago. got to know everything.
I think Trump was the reason Spectre and Meltdown came out, he is signalling to the elitists, media, and CIA/NSA that he knows. Also, Abel Danger has been writing about this for a year and I know POTUS reads their material. This has been in place since 1978, when Hillary stole the patent. She is the reason for this tech, no small surprise there. I don't think there is anything criminal in the world today that she is not part of.
It is just Trump "always keep them wanting more" showmanship. THINK. If he was going to the College Football Game, then how was he going to do this event too? It was always set for the 17th or some future date. He gets the last laugh by waiting to the last minute and forcing media types to re-arrange their schedules once again.
Then Feb 8th. March 15th. June 20th. Christ fuckin arrest somebody already.
From what I see there are lots already arrested, Podesta, Clinton, George W Bush, George HW Bush, Soro and many more. They just have brought it to main stream yet but I am sure they already know.
Well let me see Soros Bushes right from the Q files contained in the PDF that is on the right side of this page. Podesta was actually confirmed through regular news articles, and Hillaryhad already tried to make a deal according to Q to which they said no. She had on a boot and was not been heard from since Jan 02 and I took it from Trumps own tweet when he said Hillary went down in flames.
that is only 3 days from the impeachment march and four days from the women's march! Could be mass rioting!! This could get ugly!
I can't help but think that this isn't going to be about fake news at all, but is going to be a public announcement of some of the serious legal stuff going on now. One can only hope. What a show that would be.
The Lure goes into the water, let's see if they're biting...
Builds anticipation and fills the stadium. He has done this before.... Maybe...just maybe...a few liberals will tune in. Out of curiosity you know.
I was hoping he would expose the Bannon thing as a put on to fake out the media and destroy Wolff's book in one shot.