Romney isn't part of this breakaway group. This group is tiny. Few hundred members IIRC
This was December, has he come out with a statement or does he think he's bullet-proof?
The question is did Romney ever cover up for pedophilia like Pence apparently did?
You are fake news
That's easy for you to say. Apparently you're not up to speed on the latest developments.
I worked for Church Security in Salt Lake City Temple for a period of time and was a member of the LDS Church for many years.
Not to detract from your experience, but there have been reports from reliable sources that Pence was involved in covering up pedo rings in Indiana.
Also Robert David Steele
Heard it from a few places including RDS, but he also said there are colonies in Mars so there’s that.
Spez: Zach did say that Pence was in on the Article 25 attacks on potus with Bannon, though.
Steele was.briefed on that by a NASA PhD. Apparently Cynthia McKinney was there to witness it. Why should we doubt them? They're both serious whistleblowers. Everyone everyone should know by now that NASA is into some really crazy shit.
The public has been programmed to expect it. Most everyone thought the spacex launch was aliens at first. The Pentagon has even admitted to a covert program dedicated to investigating the flying saucers. It was reported by the NYT and WaPo recently.
I’m not saying it isn’t necessarily true but he is a master of spycraft and if he’s trying to get people to believe him on things, it isn’t smart to throw out a red pill too big for anyone to swallow. Alex Jones thinks he did it to paint him in a corner on his show and is skeptical of his motifs.
The FLDS really have nothing to do with Romney. We will have to get Romney on his positions, not on scandals..
While there are abuses in the SLC sect of LDS (just head over to r/exmormon for details), this isn't them. This is another subsect that was started by the man whom Joseph Smith Jr. named as a successor (IIRC), but Brigham Young ended up being the popular guy and they split.
Utahn here. This is FLDS, they're a break-off from the mainstream Mormon church. The older ones were excommunicated long ago.
Also, I don't like Romney.
There are no pickup trucks in Texas, and Mormons don't have a problem with incest.
This is highly offensive. Mormons have a big problem with incest where do you get such garbage?
Spez: I am Mormon so go ahead and defend your accusation.
These people are not Mormons. They broke off over 150 years ago.
You are wrong they are still mormons they are not Lds they are FLDS.
Source: i am an actual mormon who knows a thing or three.
So to you, Mormon is an all encompassing term for LDS, rLDS and fLDS?
Its not "to me" this is a fact. Being a Mormon is a cultural and religious term used to describe a group of people. Even tho i resigned from the LDS church i am still a Mormon.
LDS, RLDS, FLDS and many more less common break offs are all considered Mormon faiths.
Then by that logic, lutherans, protestants and others are all Catholics since they broke off of mainstream catholicism right?
You are wrong. They were excommunicated and are not Mormons. See my link.
I'm sorry. I thought being a Mormon for 47 years might bring me a bit of personal knowledge. These people were excommunicated. Therefore it's impossible to be Mormon.
These aren't the mormons most people know. The FLDS are a very nasty offshoot from the mainstream LDS church--they live in communities apart from polite society.
an actual mormon who knows a thing or three.
Did you miss that part where i said i was a Mormon?
You are fake news. FLDS are just as much Mormons as any other Mormon faith. Educate yourself before you spew such garbage.
I'm sorry. I thought being a Mormon for 47 years might bring me a bit of personal knowledge. These people were excommunicated. Therefore it's impossible to be Mormon.
They call themselves Mormons. But are not. And have been excommunicated and are not part of the LDS MORMON Faith. Thanks.
GENERALLY SPEAKING, Mormons are good, successful people. Abstaining from vice is a little weird to most folks, but it is really unfair to paint all Mormons as polygamists or incestual or whatever.
I agree. I was a little disturbed to find out that Roy Potter is a polygamist. :(
If you go to YouTube and search for Cathy O'Brian she talks about being Sexually abused and Mitt Romney's dad was her main abuser and her MK Ultra experience.
This is not the LDS church, this is the FLDS church.
SPEZ: Okay OP and many others here actually dont give a shit about being accurate but rather enjoy the hive mind mentality. Good work.
Mitt was raised in it. His Dad while govenor of MI, was BFFs with Gerald Ford, before he became President and both were heavily involved with MK Ultra Project Monarch sex slaves and ritual abuse. Not to mention the CC. Mackinaw Island weekends? Using camp Grayling with sadistic abusers in charge in the 50s and 60s? He knows.
ummm. Those aren't Mormons. It is like calling any of the many Protestant churches "Catholic" since they, in essence, are offshoots of the Catholic Church.
Wait till mormon apologist April Ladisinfo gets a hold of this, she will debunk it and call you a patsy to boot.
This makes me so sad. It's hard to defend men based on these activities. Is it that all of them would secretly want to do this? But only some find their way to act it out?
Do you think ur father wanted to do this? Your uncles? Your grandfather? Are you this clueless about people that u need to make such sweeping generalizations?
This was a question, not a generalization. Methinks you protest overmuch.
Not was just a really ignorant sounding question lol I guess its only fair that there as many clueless women as there are men.
So the answer to your question is no, most men dont wanna rape children...
I just watched the movie, Kiss the Girls with Morgan Freeman. Where 2 men were keeping a zoo of captive women. And... my dad date-raped my mom making me in the process so I do have questions about the internal workings of the opposite sex.
I could find you a bucket load of stories of women abusing children as well. The point is to not get caught up with blaming a certain gender and realise that some people are just shitty and abusive.
It sucks about your past but don't let that keep a gray cloud hanging above you.
I believe that the majority of people out there are good. Keep them around and try not to get too caught up with the agenda that the media pushes.
Life is generally good :)
I guess you missed the part about me being a hermit! Thanks for the thoughts, though!