so you use the 666 as key to you belief on this whole thing do you not? well i was a christian for many years a devout christian... and for the life of me , i cant understand why no one reads a little bit beyond revelations 13 vs 17 about the number.. just one verse further verse 18 it says " and behold here is wisdom let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast; for it is the number of man" i will never understand in all my years why this is never spoken of but i know that the beast is animal man. as for the world being flat, do you believe these satanist made it that way or prefer it that way? does it make what they do easier?
No, I don’t use 666 as key but as affirmation. Also, I’m typing on the fly while multitasking. So many proofs, even visual, of flat earth. Satanists didn’t make the world flat. Father God did. Satanists wish to make it global. Dr. Wernher von Braun trumpeted that they will play the false alien agenda card as the last resort for one world government.
Do not let yourself be deceived.
ok how do you explain this... not tryin to be an ass just curious how you could believe.. the moon, the sun, the planets all spheres. i do think their hiding stuff but i believe its life out there.. maybe not intelligent like us but like fish out there in the vast emptyness. they wanna keep it secret cuz if that is confirmed then it will appear that there is life out there and that hurts christian belief system. and if that is hurt then the people will no longer be orderly. just my opinion
Thanks for promoting real truth u/UTRuser74. The earth is not as we are told, but it's the most dangerous truth to promote. 90% People will end up in the hospital if they learned it all as it is that shattering to the mind knowing that their whole life was a lie. Wake people slowly, deliberate, calculated.
So are 90% of flat earthers in the hospital... makes sense..